

ノリタケの森 レストラン キルン

2009-03-25 19:14:59 | Private Cycling
 4月からACAのサイクリングに参加する陶芸家 Albert の作品展を観てきました。


Select Lunch
Hors d'oeuvres

Soup of the day
Pan-sauted chicken, pizza style

Sweets & fruits

Second thoughts turn Key's track into a network

2009-03-24 08:15:29 | Private Cycling
An expert says the proposed cycleway would cost at least $300 million. Photo / Wanganui Chronicle

The Government is back-pedalling on its national cycleway plan, preferring to talk of a network of projects rather than Prime Minister John Key's initial vision of a ribbon of concrete from Kaitaia to Bluff.

But the concept is gaining momentum as the Ministry of Tourism prepares to open discussions with the government rail agency Ontrack today on potential routes, and more ideas are unveiled for local cycleways which could become part of a national spine.

These include a cycleway and walkway from the "seabird coast" at Kaiaua south of Auckland to Thames, using 20km of flood protection stopbanks along the Hauraki Plains, an idea endorsed in principle yesterday by three district mayors.

Mr Key, who is also Minister of Tourism, yesterday remained loyal to the idea of some form of national cycleway to boost jobs and regional development while promoting New Zealand to international visitors.

He said officials were working on options, and he expected reports by the end of the week.

But he acknowledged that paved routes could be expensive and that the cycleway might take another shape than the 3000km of concrete pathway he envisaged after last month's Job Summit.

"I suspect there will be bits of it that are paved and bits of it that won't," he said.

Mr Key denied that an initial cost estimate of $50 million for a national cycleway could be ruled out, saying, "It depends on how you do it, and what you do."

This follows a calculation by the head of the Auckland outdoor recreational engineering firm Frame Group, Trevor Butler, that a concrete surface the length of New Zealand would cost at least $300 million, without counting land acquisition and river crossings.

Mr Butler told the Herald last night his calculation was based on a "rock bottom" figure of $100 a metre of concrete, producing a pathway about 1.5m wide.

Sections of a 3m-wide concrete cycleway being built between Southdown and Mt Roskill range in average cost from $300 to $575 a metre, but that has included cleaning contaminated land and providing lighting, which would probably not be installed in rural areas.

Mr Butler said the Prime Minister's idea could be turned into "a really worthwhile project", but even a gravel surface would cost at least $60 a metre.

Ministry of Tourism chief executive Ray Salter said surface costs varied greatly between well-lit urban cycleways and some "fairly gnarley" mountain bike tracks which the Conservation Department estimated varied from $20 to $50 a metre.

"My expectation is that there will be a whole diversity of tracks," he said.

Mr Salter also played down the feasibility of one cycleway the length of New Zealand.

"It's fair to say that a cycle route that was one track from Cape Reinga to Bluff probably wouldn't fulfil the multiple objectives that a cycleway envisages," he said.

"Not many people are going to cycle from Cape Reinga to Bluff. We certainly see it in terms of a range of attractions that are joined up, and a long-term vision would be to have a network from the tip of the North Island to the bottom of the South."

Mr Salter is to meet Ontrack today, to discuss using disused lines and gaining access to the rail network.

Cited NZ Herald


2008-10-01 11:44:19 | Private Cycling
以下が私が JAF にお願いした内容です。


最初の回答です。 wrote:

Subject: JAFからの回答
Date: 25 Sep 2008 11:32:50 +0900
Message-ID: < 松村 司郎 様

ご指摘の件は、もっともなことと思います。日本の道路交通の中で、自転車 の位置付けが今ひとつハッキリせず車道にも歩道にも確立した居場所がないと いうのも課題だと思いますし、運転免許を持たない自転車乗りの方に誰が交通 法規を教え守らせるのか、といった課題もあると思います。
最新のJAF Mate(10月号)ユーザーテストでは、自転車の「すり抜け」や 「進路変更」など運動特性についてレポートしておりますので、こうしたこともドライバーの理解の一助となればと考えております。

松村様の様な意識の高い自転車ユーザーの方にも、この点は是非ご一考いただ ければと存じます。



広報部 お客様相談課 加藤

広報部 お客様相談課 加藤 さん

以下 JAF からの回答です。
Subject: Re: Fwd: JAFからの回答
Date: 1 Oct 2008 11:11:33 +0900
Message-ID: < 松村 司郎 様


一  左右の見とおしのきかない交差点、見とおしのきかない道路のまがりかど又は見とおしのきかない上り坂の頂上で道路標識等により指定された場所を通行しようとするとき。
二  山地部の道路その他曲折が多い道路について道路標識等により指定された区間における左右の見とおしのきかない交差点、見とおしのきかない道路のまがりかど又は見とおしのきかない上り坂の頂上を通行しようとするとき。
三  危険を防止するためやむを得ないとき




広報部 お客様相談課  樋笠 眞一

Bicycle Racing Terminology

2008-07-28 08:21:28 | Private Cycling

Abandon. When a rider quits during a race.
アバンダン レースの途中で棄権すること。

Attack. A sudden acceleration to move ahead of another rider or group of riders
アタック 突如、他のライダーを引き離して前に出ること。

Big Ringing It. A "big" gear – when the rider has his chain on the larger of the two front chainrings – allows a rider to go for maximum speeds. This gearing is most often used on .at or rolling terrain.

Bonk. Total exhaustion caused by lack of sufficient food during a long race or ride.
ボンク 食べ物などが適当に補給されなくてガス欠になること。ボンクにはセックスするという意味があるから注意してください。しかし、ライダーやトライアスラーはセックスが強いんだってね。

Bonus Sprints. On each stage, race organizers designate several locations along the route where bonus points are given to the .first three riders that cross the line. These sprints create a "race within a race" during each stage.
ボーナス・スプリント それぞれのステージで主催者側がボーナス・ポイントの場所を設定する。これを3位まで通過した競技者にボーナス・ポイントが与えられる。これを競うことを"race within a race" と言う。

Breakaway. One or more riders who sprint away from the peloton in an effort to build a lead. Competing riders in a breakaway will often form uneasy alliances, working together and drafting to increase or maintain their lead. Those alliances break down, though, as they approach the finish. A team leader in a breakaway with multiple teammates has a decided advantage over a rider who has no support.
ブレイカウェイ 1または数人の競技者がレースを有利に展開するために先頭集団グループから抜け出すこと。

Bridge. A rider or riders who sprint away from the main group of riders, or peloton, and catch the breakaway.
ブリッジ ここでは bridge は橋でなく鼻柱と理解したほうが分かりやすい。1または数人の競技者が先頭集団グループから抜け出してブレイカウェイになること。

Broom Wagon. The vehicle that follows the race, picking up racers who have to abandon the race.
ブルーム・ウェィゴン レースの後ろにくっついて走る車でレースを棄権した競技者を拾う。

Caravan/Race Caravan The official and team support vehicles in a race. Each team has a car in the official race caravan. The team cars follow the peloton and riders will often go back to their team car for food, extra clothing, or to speak to their team director.
キャラバン または レース・キャラバン レースをサポートするオフィシャルな車。チーム毎にあり競技者に食べ物を与えたり着替えをわたしたり監督が競技者に指示を出すためにある。

Circuit Race. A multiple-lap race around a course of 2 miles or more. Circuit races are great crowd pleasers. In the 2008 Amgen Tour of California, the final portion of stage 7 (and the entire tour) is a circuit race. If you're in or near Pasadena, CA on the 24th, don't miss it!

Clincher. A traditional bicycle tire that is mounted on a rim with a wire or kevlar bead. Clinchers are easy to replace or repair, but they and their rims tend to weigh more than a tubular.

Col. A mountain or climb, such as 'Col du Telegraph'.

Criterium. A multi-lap, one-day race on a closed, short course, typically one mile or less

Derailleur. A mechanism for moving the chain from one sprocket to another to change gears on a multi-speed bicycle.

Disc Wheel. A bicycle wheel with covers or a solid disc, rather than open spokes. Disc wheels are very aerodynamic, but heavy, and can turn into a sail in a strong crosswind.

DNF. Short for "Did Not Finish"

Domestique. A rider whose main job is to help the team leader win the day's stage, or the entire race. A domestique may pull the leader up to a breakaway, or pace them up a steep climb. If a team leader gets a flat, a domestique may even be called upon to give up their front or rear wheel and wait for the team mechanic, saving the leader precious seconds.

Drafting. One or more riders ride single file behind another rider, taking advantage of that rider's slipstream. By doing so the rider behind has less of a headwind and gets a breather. In a crosswind, riders may ride in a diagonal line, instead. Drafting is the lynchpin of most bicycle racing tactics. See also paceline.

Drop/Dropped. When a rider has been left behind by another rider or group of riders.

Echappee. The cyclist who escapes from the pack. The 'escapee'.

Echelon. A staggered, long line of riders, each downwind of the rider ahead, allowing them to move considerably faster than a solo rider or small group of riders. In windy sections where there are crosswinds, a large peloton will form into echelons.

Equipe. A cycling team.

Feed Zone. A designated area along the route where riders can grab "musette bags" filled with food and drinks as they ride by. There is an unwritten rule in the peloton that riders should not attack the .field while the riders are going through the feed zone

Field Sprint. A mass sprint at the .finish among the main group of riders in a road race.

Gap. The amount of time or distance between a rider or group of riders and another rider or group of riders.

General Classification (G.C.). The overall leader board in the race, representing each rider's total cumulative time in the race. The rider with the lowest time is number one on the G.C.

Grand Tour. Refers to three-week major cycling stage races: Tour de France, Giro d'Italia (Tour of Italy) and Vuelta a Espana (Tour of Spain)

Gruppetto. A group of riders that forms at the back of the .eld on mountain stages and ride at a pace that allows them to finish just inside the time limit. (see Time Cut.) Usually the gruppetto is comprised of sprinters and other riders who are not climbing specialists or race leaders. Gruppetto is Italian for "a small group"

Hammer. To ride hard. Also, to "put the hammer down"

Jump. A quick acceleration, which usually develops into a sprint.

King of the Mountains. The KOM is the fastest climber in the overall standings. King of the Mountain is awarded to the racer who is awarded points based on the many KOM sprints in the Tour. Look for the KOM jersey in the race.

Lacher. Drop out or let go.

Lead Out. A racer's teammate(s) form a paceline in front of the leader, pulling hard for the finish. The supporting cast pulls off one at a time, leaving the leader rested and fast for the last sprint. Leadouts typically happen right before the finish line or sprint.

Mechanical. Slang for a problem with the bicycle. "He had a mechanical."

Mountain Climb Classifications. Large mountain climbs are normally classified according to their difficulty. Category 4 is the easiest, followed by Categories 3, 2, 1, and the Hors-Categorie (which is the hardest). Mountain climbs are classified according to their length and the average gradient of the road's incline.

Off the Back. When a rider or riders cannot keep pace with the main group and lag behind.

Off the Front When a rider takes part in a breakaway.

Paceline. A formation of two or more riders who are drafting. Typically, racers take turns doing the hard work at the front of the line.

Peloton. The main group of racers. With its dozens of colorful jerseys, maneuvering for position and breakneck speeds, the peloton can be quite a sight. Also called the pack.
The peloton (from French, literally meaning little ball or platoon and also related to the English word pellet), field, bunch or pack is the large main group in a road bicycle race.

Prologue. One type of beginning for a stage race, which is a relatively short time trial.

Popped. Blown; Had it; Knackered; Stuffed; Words used to describe the legs losing all power.

Puncture. Flat tire

Road Rash. Skin abrasions resulting from a fall or crash onto the road.

Saddle. The bike seat.

Schwag. The free stuff competitors get when they race. May include water bottles, jerseys, food, or more expensive toys.

Slipstream. The area of least wind resistance behind a rider.

Sprint. A quick scramble for the finish line or a mid-race king of the mountain or other competition. A professional road race sprint is fast, furious and tactical. Watch for riders to jockey for the second or third spot, or organize leadouts by their teammates.

Squirrel. A small rodent, but also a rider who is erratic and 'squirrely' when riding in a group.

Stage Race. A race comprised of multiple one-day races, or stages. The Tour of California is a stage race.

Team Leader. The rider for whom the team supports in order for the leader to win a stage or race

Technical. A descent or other portion of a race that is twisty, steep or otherwise challenging from the point of view of bike handling.

Time Cut. Mostly applicable to the Grand Tours. On each stage all riders must finish within a certain percentage of the winner's time to remain in the race. Those who are unable to make the cut are disqualified from the race

Time Trial. Often called the Race of Truth, a time trial pits a rider or a team against the clock. Individual time trials are grueling affairs, with each rider expending maximum effort.

Train. A fast moving paceline of riders

Tubular. A high-performance racing tire with the inner tube sewn inside the tire. The tire is then glued to a low-profile rim. Tubulars offer weight and strength advantages, but are hard to fix and maintain. Plus a bad gluing job can mean a tire failure in a sharp turn, and an ugly crash. Also called sew-ups.

UCI. Union Cycliste Internationale, the international governing body of cycling.

USA Cycling. America's governing body of cycling. USA Cycling supervises the activities of all cycling disciplines (road,mountain, track, cyclo-cross), and establishes criteria for the U.S. Olympic Cycling Team

Velo. French for "bicycle"

Wheelsucker. A somewhat dated term for someone who, while riding in a paceline, doesn't take a turn at the front of the line. These days they get called lots of other names. None are printable here...


2007-12-09 06:54:40 | Private Cycling
(2007年12月9日3時6分 読売新聞電子版から引用)


2007-11-11 10:33:12 | Private Cycling

愛知県サイクリング協会/企画統括部からのお知らせ 「名古屋高速道路 高速6号清須線が12月9日に開通します。開通を記念してサイクリング大会を12月1日(土)に開催します。新しい道路を間近に見ていただき建設技術を堪能して貰いたいと思います。皆様には是非大会へ参加をお願いいたします。」

私はこの日は Kiwi Cycling の帰途で香港にいます。飲茶を楽しみます。


2007-11-10 04:59:56 | Private Cycling

Reuters - Wed Nov 7, 2:36 AM ET Residents cycle their bicycles on a main street in Beijing November 7, 2007. The level of air pollution in Beijing and its possible effects on athletes' health has been one of the biggest issues facing organisers of next year's

NZ’s Cycling Festival

2007-11-10 04:47:33 | Private Cyclingよると12月にニュージランドでサイクリング祭りが開かれます。残念ですね、我われが帰った後ですよ。来年はOrganisers are hoping for more than 1500 riders in 2008. を狙っているようですから皆で参加しましょう。

Thursday, 8 November 2007, 4:41 pm
Press Release: Cycling Festival
NZ’s Cycling Festival
Christchurch has long been recognised as New Zealand’s cycling capital. Whether commuting, competing or recreating, the Garden City is our most cycling-friendly centre. But on the first weekend of December the Armstrong Peugeot Festival of Cycling makes Christchurch the absolute epicentre of cycling in this country.

Scheduled this year for December 1st and 2nd, more than 1500 riders from around New Zealand as far afield as the USA, UK, Japan and Australia are expected for this exciting concept. Every city has a fun ride and some cities have a top class cycling event, but the Armstrong Peugeot Festival of Cycling brings world class and recreational cyclists together for a weekend of riding around Christchurch’s iconic landmarks.

Kiwi cycling 5大峠を走る

2007-11-09 05:39:59 | Private Cycling
 以下のサイトにニュージランド5大峠 Evans, Weka, Lewis, Arthur's and Porters を走るレースの記事があります。

Day 1 - Christchurch to Hanmer Springs
Day 2 - Hanmer Springs to Greymouth
Day 3 - Greymouth to Lake Brunner then to Arthur's Pass
Day 4 - Arthur's Pass to Christchurch
 距離 650km をなんと4日で走りきります。2日目に峠2つ、3日目は1つ、4日目に2つ。すごいですね。

注意 私が認識している峠と少し違うので後日明確にします。


2007-10-31 07:28:05 | Private Cycling

Cycling is good exercise, but it doesn't help build strong bones
Article Last Updated: 10/29/2007 06:42:32 AM PDT

CYCLING IS terrific exercise, hitting the cardiovascular system and major muscle groups simultaneously, but it may not be the best thing for building strong bones. Compared with male runners, male cyclists appear more likely to have lower-than-normal bone density.
"You would think that cyclists are very healthy, because they spend all those hours training," says Pam Hinton, associate professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Missouri-Columbia and co-author of the study accepted for publication in the journal Metabolism. "In other aspects they are — cardiovascular health and body composition. But in this one aspect, they're not doing so well."

The study tested the bone mineral density of 27 cyclists and 16 runners ages 20 to 59 who had engaged in their sport a minimum of six hours a week for at least two years. Hinton controlled for diet, past exercise and weight training. Whole body scans and blood tests showed that 63 percent of cyclists had osteopenia of the spine or hip, compared with 19 percent of the runners.

Osteopenia is bone mineral density that's lower than normal but not so low to be considered osteoporosis, or very low bone mineral density. Not all who have osteopenia will develop osteoporosis, and treatment isn't always required.

Some of those with osteopenia were in their 20s and 30s, "and that was pretty alarming to me," Hinton says. "I thought I'd just see it in guys who were older and had been riding for years."

In general, men may not be as much at risk for low bone density as women — especially postmenopausal women. But Hinton says they should be concerned, because osteopenia can lead to osteoporosis and injuries such as hip fractures.
Bone cells are surrounded by fluid that, when hit with an impact force, moves back and forth. That action signals to the bone cells to add more mass. "You lose bone mass quickly if there isn't some kind of mechanical loading on the bone," Hinton says.

That, she adds, best comes from movement involving impact — running, playing basketball or soccer, or doing plyometric exercises such as jumping.

Weight training also can exert force on the bone, says Hinton, but not as much as during impact, perhaps accounting for the lower bone mineral density in cyclists. Some of the study participants protested that the muscle contractions that occur when pedaling and standing on the pedals should account for some impact. "But the pedal is moving with you," she says. "You don't have the earth resisting your body."

Hinton recommends that cyclists add a little variety to their workouts to help increase bone density: running, playing basketball, jumping rope or doing plyometrics a couple times a week.

"When you're young, you should be maximizing your bone density," she says, "and as you get older, exercise slows the rate of loss. So it's really important, no matter where you are in your life, to be doing some kind of bone-loading exercise."

Cycle scheme could nurture a champion

2007-10-23 06:59:34 | Private Cycling
Monday, 22nd October 2007
Jo Rostron

自転車乗りのみなさん saddled up はサドルを高くすることではないですぞ~ 翻訳には自信がありませんが次のようなことを述べています。

Victoria CrescentにあるHorsforth Newlaithes小学校の生徒達は自転車乗りを楽しんでいる。
Coun Chris Townsley自由民主党員はイベントで次のように述べた。
さらにCoun Townsleyは「子供たちが適性を見つけ興味を持つことにより将来オリンピックのメダリストや世界チャンピオン自転車乗りが生れる」と言及した。

YOUNGSTERS at a Horsforth school have saddled up to stay safe on the roads... while having fun.
Pupils at Horsforth Newlaithes Junior School, Victoria Crescent, enjoyed Go Ride activities which aim to promote cycling.
The scheme also hopes to sift out potential talent in the cycling world, as well as developing skills and keeping kids healthy.
Coun Chris Townsley (Lib Dem, Horsforth) was at the event and said: "The students were given many tasks to perform to enable them to become more skilful, but at the same time enjoying themselves.
"Anything we can do to encourage safe cycling and to promote a healthy lifestyle can only be a good thing."
Alan Edmondson, who takes the sessions is a coach for Great Britain and trainers are looking for potential professional riders as part of the scheme.
Coun Townsley continued: "If a child has a certain aptitude and interest they can be selected to go further and who knows, we could be seeing future Olympic medalists or world champion riders."

この小学校は Victoria Crescent Horsforth、Leeds West Yorkshire にあり2003年の記録では生徒数186人の小さな学校です。

2007Mt.FUJI エコ・サイクリング(自然体験サイクリングツアー)

2007-10-15 16:30:33 | Private Cycling
 富士山一周サイクリング 14日(日)・6:00~16:00
 国道469号線、国道138号線、国道139号線、県道75号線のコースを使用する、日本代表する景勝地の富士山一周約100kmの初回2007Mt.FUJI エコ・サイクリング(自然体験サイクリングツアー)に参加しました。



 気温は11~14℃、天候は曇り。兎に角寒かった。そして延々と続く坂道にはいささか参った。参加者1000人、横を走っていた外国人に話しかけるとベルギーの大使館員とのこと。外国大使館ナンバーのついた車がエスコートしていたので大使級の方でしょう。彼が私の年を聞くので65歳だよと答えると、かれは「俺は58歳」と返してきたので若すぎるよと言ってやった。何回かは彼に越されたが、山中湖のエイドステーションで See you then と彼が言った後ゴールまで顔を見なかったので日本の勝ち。

 走行時間 6時間59分18秒
 走行距離 111.4km
 平均速度 15.9km/h
 最高速度 42.8km/h


 趣味 トライアスロン…41才からランニングを始め46才からトライアスロンに挑戦。現在は年にトライアスロンのレースに4回、自転車レースに2回、ロードレースに10回ぐらい出場している。


2007-10-07 06:06:38 | Private Cycling
Belly fat, weight cycling ups kidney cancer risk

 USA TODAY と言う米国の有名な大衆紙のウエブに上の見出しの記事がありました。そそっかしくて英語音痴の私の目には "cycling サイクリング" と "cancer 癌" だけが見えます。 つまり「サイクリングすると癌になる」という早とちり。
 ここで belly fat というのは腹のあたりの肥満という意味。そして問題の weight cycling というのは体重の変化の繰り返しのこと。「the women's body weight and frequency of weight loss and regain (weight cycling)」この部分ですね。工学をやっている方、 frequency は周波数ではありませんぞ。
 さらに記事では waist-to-hip ratio について述べています。つまりウエストとヒップの比が大きいのも危険と…。西洋人はお尻だけ超大きくなる。これが怖いと説明しています。 日本人はあまり心配しなくていいでしょう。
 記事では body mass index (BMI) at or above 35 と述べています。BMIが35もしくはそれ以上になると癌罹患率が上がると説明しています。日本人ではあまり見る事の無い西洋人の超肥満の場合が怖い。

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Postmenopausal women who are overweight or obese appear to have a greater risk of developing, renal cell carcinoma, a common form of kidney cancer, and study findings suggest that a larger waist girth and a history of weight loss and regain further increase this risk.
"Our study suggests that the risk of renal cell carcinoma can be lowered if overweight individuals lose excess central body fat and then maintain stable weight at a more desirable level," Dr. Juhua Luo, of Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden told Reuters Health.
Luo and colleagues analyzed data from more than 140,000 U.S. women, aged 50 to 79 years, enrolled in the Women's Health Initiative study.
They compared associations between the development of renal cell carcinoma, a cancer of the lining of the kidney, and the women's body weight and frequency of weight loss and regain (weight cycling) over an average of 7.7 years.
The findings are published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
Overall, obese women with a body mass index (BMI) at or above 35, had a 60 percent excess risk of renal cell carcinoma compared with women of normal weight (BMI less than 25), the researchers note. This risk increased 3 percent for every unit increase in BMI.
When the investigators analyzed abdominal obesity as an independent risk factor they found that each 0.1-unit increase in waist-to-hip ratio increased the risk of developing renal cell carcinoma by 24 percent.
Moreover, women with a history of 10 or more weight cycles had more than double the risk of developing renal cell carcinoma, compared with women who held a steady weight over the study period, the investigators note.
The researchers say their findings provide further evidence that obesity, particularly central adiposity, is associated with increased risk of developing renal cell carcinoma, and that a history of weight cycling may further increase this risk among postmenopausal women.
SOURCE: American Journal of Epidemiology, October 20, 2007.


2007-10-06 19:35:43 | Private Cycling
折りたたみ自転車、5年間で事故54件 骨折のケースも
2007年10月06日18時23分 朝日新聞ウエブより引用


