日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


38th Gyotoku Muslim Family Saturday School

2011年01月11日 | イスラーム教育


Al-Jannatu Tahta Aqdaami-l-Ummahaat

The Paradise is under the foot of mothers. 


 Assalaamu 'Alaykum.

Alhamdu lillaah, by the Grace of Allah, we had one another study-fun gathering of 38th Gyotoku Muslim Family Saturday School at Hira Masjid on January 8, 2011.



 Alhamdu lillaah, with some guests and some children came back, our class increased wider.



Dealing with children makes us purified and happy.



Here is our guests from Fukuoka. My beloved brother, Shaykh AbdulWahid and his daughter.



After the classes, we went outside to play tag together.


