日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


Memorial Weekend of ICNA Convention 2011 (Episode 2)

2011年06月04日 | 備忘録

ICNA Convention 2011 Maghrib and Isha Timelapse


 Hafiz of the Qur'an, Br.Faheem (Black clothes) with his younger brother Musa and his new uncle in faith!


While I was being amazed with everything, a young brother came close to me and greeted me with Salaam confirming my name as if he knows me.  

Subhaana-llaah! He is the first Muslim Japanese related Haafiz (as far as I know) whose mother is from Japan and father is from Guiana.

In shaa Allah, this brilliant young brother Faheem is going to stay in Beppu, Oita prefecture (which my father’s side root is from Nakatsu of Oita) to spend some years with his grandfather.

Maa shaa Allah, he is very much willing to contribute in Da’wah activities in any way he could.

What is greater contribution than teaching Qur’an!?


Alhamdu lillaah, I came across through Muslim networks with his mother consulting about sending her son to Japan and since I visited several times to Beppu and know some really generous brothers there, I sort of like became a bridge for them and Alhamdu lillaah, Merciful Allah brought us together to meet each other in real before he comes to Japan.





Helping Hand was going to hold a Q&A session in the second day of the convention

between 11:30 to 13:00 for the programme called “Youth for Japan” and

they were distributing the advertising card for visitors.

I suggested if I could distribute them by myself and they welcomed the idea

so I started the Bazar tour at the same time with distributing that card

greeting brothers and sisters (well, to sisters wasn’t easy),

“Assalaamu ‘Alaykum. Please come along to Japan!”.

Well, an invitation to Japan from a Japanese hopefully made that sound more appealing, In shaa Allah.  




Adhaan, a beautiful call to the Maghrib prayer visited my ears and went to prayer place, another surprise caught me with praising Allah.

Maa shaa Allah, how many Muslims do we have, here!?



After praying Maghrib and ‘Ishaa as a traveller,

I went upstairs to join the first official programme for me

which is to join the dinner meeting with Helping Hand Executive members.

Alhamdu lillaah, it was nice and inspiring meeting with some short speeches of

Shaykh ‘AbdurRahman Khan who visited Japan in April 2011 to help the victims of Tsunami and

Dr.Zahid Bukhari who is the president of Islamic Circle of North America

that taught me through their words that Muslims in America are passing now quite critical time

such as masses of American people may want to focus on “Banning the Sharee’ah”

for the next presidential election but as Almighty Allah says in His Holy Qur’an,

“Indeed, with the hardship there is ease. Indeed, with the hardship there is ease”

so that Muslims shouldn’t be pessimistic as Merciful Allah teaches us that ease are always more than the hardship like what Shaykh ‘AbdurRahman Khan said.



Shaykh 'AbdurRahman Khan next to me