時空人 goo blog「脳トレ宇宙論ー人類の見果てぬ夢」

時は過ぎ 空は広がり 人は考える 宇宙を語る、地球を語る、生命を語る、人類を語る、世界を語る、人生を語る、何でも語る、


2017-05-14 09:26:04 | 数楽絵草紙

名言 マリー・キュリー


I’m human one who thinks great beauty exists in science.
The one as the scientist in the laboratory isn’t an ordinary engineer.
That’s also one child who pauses there with the natural phenomenon at the front like the child impressed with a fairy tale.



The biggest rewards in a life are assets of the activity that they’re intellectual.


「これは無理だ。きっと100年はかかる。 ぼくが生きている間はできないよ。」


「もし100年かかるとしたら、それは残念なことだけど、でもわたしは生きているかぎり 何度でも続けます。」


And after their 487th experiment had failed, Pierre threw up his hands in despair and said, ”It will never be done. Maybe in a hundred years, but never in my day.”Marie confronted him with a resolute face and said, ”If it takes a hundred years, it will be a pity, but I will not cease to work for it as long as I live.” (キュリー夫人の実話)



名言2 日本俚諺



