
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (2-f) : サンノゼのシェアハウスの仲間たち(1)

2022-05-29 18:07:01 | Ron's Life Story
In San Jose, I lived in the cheapest place I could find, the Roger Williams (R & W) House which was right on the campus of San Jose State and was owned by Grace Baptist Church. In that house I started out by sharing a room with another student on campus and gradually got my own room when one became available. The house was so old that it literally swayed in the wind. I think shortly after I moved out, the house was condemned and torn down. I met people in that house that impacted on me very greatly.

First there was David Koppel. He was from Mountain View, just up the San Francisco Peninsula heading north. He has a Jewish guy that loved to cook. He was one of the “Head Chefs” at R & W House. He specialized obviously in all the Jewish seasonal foods. He majored in environmental health, graduated, got a job in Ukiah, CA as a sanitation inspector for the county up there. He married a Christian girl from Grace Baptist Church who later converted to Judaism. They bought some land up there, and in the early years, they lived in a trailer that was parked on the property. Slowly, board-by-board, piece-by-piece, they built their own home, just the way they wanted it. After building the house, they started having children. I have visited them in Ukiah many times over the years with my family. Ukiah is in the California wine country. The famous county is Napa, but there are others as well. Theirs is Mendocino County which also has wine as a major industry in the area.





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