
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Global Interaction & Understanding - A Personal Journey : No.61 1990年代のビジネストリップ(2)

2016-08-04 22:55:04 | Ron's Life Story



Unlike other countries in West Africa, Ghana is English speaking, and I thoroughly enjoyed the country. I went to Ghana twice in 1991. The people are very gentle and have a peaceful way of thinking. On one of my trips there, just before leaving the country, I spend a day with one of the salesmen I trained. He said he wanted to take me to a special place.

We drove for about an hour and a half and arrived at an old slave fort where captured people were processed, sold and shipped abroad over 100 years ago. The slave trade started with the Portuguese, then the Dutch got involved and finally the British stopped it. During the tour of the fort, I went through the fatiguing area where the captives were weakened, so they could be controlled. They were kept in concealed rooms with no light and poor ventilation for days. On top of that, they were fed just enough to keep them alive. Slaves were considered salable products, and a stronger one is the more valuable, but harder to control. It was a real balancing act and extremely inhumane. We also saw the auction area and dispatch area for loading on ships. Once sold and shipped, one in 40 would survive to their final destination. On my way to the airport after that tour, I felt terrible about how the white Europeans treated the people in black Africa, and I told this to the salesman who took me.

As he had very advanced education in Ghana he told me another side of the story you don’t hear on the tours. In that time in history, all of Africa was caught up in the slave trade business which was very profitable. After tribal wars, the losing trade’s warriors were sold into slavery. Within a tribe, people who did not follow the rules or laws were sold into slavery. Therefore, it was not just a white man’s business. It gave me a whole new perspective of that period of history. I traveled to Ghana several times and always found it fascinating.

Sales People in Ghana, April 1992

Slave Fort, April 1992


Along with South Africa, Kenya has some of the best safari wildlife parks in Africa. I traveled to the country several times, but it was that first trip that was the most memorable. I toured safari parks, visit local villages and went to Lake Victoria, the point where the Nile River starts. For East Africa, Kenya had a rather stable government, but in those years with all the problems in Ethiopia and Somalia, security has become a problem in Nairobi and other cities. Kenya’s economy is based on tourism to game parks as well as the beaches in Mombasa, coffee from Kilimanjaro, tea and sugar cane. Nairobi has high altitude as with many countries that have coffee. The country is an ex-English colony, and they drive on the right-hand-side like South Africa, Australia, India and many other countries.

GM Kenya Sales Seminar 1991

I was lucky to visit a village and learn what it’s like to grow up in a jungle type environment. It gave me a whole new perspective on subsistence living, no electricity, no TV, no telephone, no education, no medical facilities. The Marketing Manager from GM Kenya took me to the house he was born in. He is from the second wife of a man with more than six wives. In Africa, there is no divorce. The man just moves out and gets married again, sometimes to a woman who has given birth to two of his children. In this way the man can test the woman before marriage. There is no doubt in my mind why AIDS started in Africa. That is the bad side. The good side is the families, believe it or not, stay pretty much together, even if you’re number two wife of six. Polygamy is all over Africa, and once I saw a long line of people walking along the road in Ghana wearing black robes. I asked what was going on. The man said it was a funeral, and that was the family. Like many countries, “family” is extremely important. Most western countries will not understand that “family” is one’s education system, career path, insurance policy for life, unemployment insurance, retirement program, housing for life, and more. It is not just the legal right to live together and produce children. It is culturally more binding than that.

Kenya, July 1991





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