
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Global Interaction & Understanding - A Personal Journey : No.54 セールスマネージャのタイプ

2016-07-21 00:04:58 | Ron's Life Story

半導体関連装置業界でニッチな領域のテクノロジーリーダーでユニークな存在であったKLA-Tencor社とLAM Researchの合併が決まりました。





Sales Manager Types

Here are four ways sales people see their boss. There are advantages to all of them, but one will build long-term success.


Nice Guy

If the sales manager is so nice that there is no discipline or support in the case of non-performance, there will always be low standards, low performance and low motivation to sell successfully.

To avoid being "Mr. Nice Guy", the sales manager must care about his sales people's success. If his people do well, congratulate them and praise them for what they have done. If they fail to perform, he should talk to them privately and help them improve. He should discipline when necessary. He should take responsibility for their performance.


If the success of the company and the penetration of the market are dependent on one skilled, talented, do-it-himself sales manager, he is playing "Superman". The company cannot grow, and it is very vulnerable.

The "Superman" does everything himself. His staff is never required to develop selling skills because the sales manager will do the job for them. They do not develop competitive selling techniques and activities because they have never had a need. All the sales people do are mostly process the orders.

To avoid being a "Superman", the sales manager must realize that his job is not to sell product to customers, but to manage sales people. Sales people sell the product. The sales manager is to help them do their job, not sell for them.


Although short-term results are sometimes achieved, if the sales manager is perceived to be a "Mr. Policeman", all manager-salesman communication stops. You do not communicate with a policeman, and the sales staff does not communicate with that type of a sales manager. "Mr. Policeman" lays down the law to everyone on his staff. "It is my way or leave the company", is what he says directly or indirectly. There is little or no real communication, and performance will never reach the team's full potential. The sales manager will not know how to manage his sales people because he will not know how they think.

To avoid being "Mr. Policeman", the manager should show respect for the people on his team. He should keep the lines of communication open so that the sales people feel "safe" in coming to the manager and admitting they have problems. Knowing that, the manager will be able to give them the help they need. A Policeman can only punish, which may not achieve the sales goals.


The person who can develop ten men is stronger than the person who can do the work of ten. He teaches his people to be better. He supports them. He motivates them on a regular basis.

All good sales managers recognize that their number one job priority and responsibility is to coach and train their sales people to sell. They coach their staff by using procedures similar to below:

- He sets minimum standards of sales performance that he expects of his sales staff.
- Together with each sales person individually, he sets personal performance goals which are at or higher than the minimum standard.
- He stimulates, inspires and encourages. He makes sure the sales people know it is the sales manager's job to help them reach their personal performance goal.
- If they make a mistake, he helps them. He urges them to try again. He does this when the problem is first spotted, not at the end of the month.
- If a sales person is not maintaining his activities (looking for customers, product presentation, demonstration, negotiating, contacting current customers, etc.) or not achieving his goals, he discusses it with the salesman, and they come to a decision on whether he should increase those activities or lower the performance goals.
- He asks them how they could do things better. He suggests how they could improve. Then, he sees that they get the training and the coaching that is needed to do it better.
- He praises them for their successes or partial successes regularly in private and in front of others.





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