Nagoya & Osaka (friends get together)

2010-10-13 | My roots

It was last month i went to Nagoya to visit my Best friends :)
One came from Tokyo and i came from Osaka (well, Amagasaki to be exact)
and we decided to hang out all day together in Nagoya - of course, for lunch we wanted to have
kishimen- special noodle from nagoya , its a bit like Fetecinni

It's ebi tempura on top- its cold noodle, but you can eat it all season:)

We always climb to the top of this building for a great view :) it was cloudy- but who cares? it doesnt matter how we met, when we are together- we have so much fun!!
we hadnt seen each other (i mean, three of us together) since... 2007 or 8?
we really havent changed, but for sure we got a little older... hahaha

After lots of talk, we decided to go for a coffee, but ended up having this.

its like coffee but with lots of milk, and its kinda buddly^^
Humongus cake is also special here, everyone loves it
has a BIG ice cream on top- if you love sweets, it is so worth trying :)

it wasnt long before we went into "Izakaya"- Drinking bar with great varieties of food- especially
friend chicken wings!!!!!!!!!! i just looooooooooove those chickens in Nagoya, they are THE BEST!
sorry i dont have the pictures from drinking-cause we were too busy talking, and drinking!

after leaving nagoya on the late Kintetsu Train- Toru came with me to my home
Although it was late, my mom and he enjoyed talking about lots of things it was somewhat like
a "family reunion" hehehe

Next day, i took him to kuromon ichiba, a fish market in Osaka.
I had done a quick check on the net and i wanted to ...
eat maguro don (tuna don)
but we had trouble finding the market... after asking around, we got to...

                            Real fresh WASABI!!!!!  1980 yen!
Im so curious how it tastes, wether it tastes different from the tube one.

after eating some sushi at the fish market, (we couldnt find maguro don for a decent price, so we decided to have sushi instead, then we bought some snacks like takoyaki, fried chicken here and there- we were full..;;)

after some shopping and walking around..
we were running out of things to do, and just as we decided to go back to Umeda, we saw there was a
"Hokkaido fair" - we ended up trying out some samples and free tasting :)

before his night bus to Tokyo leaves at 10pm, we thought killing time in Spanish Bar was a great idea :)
nibbled on Tapas- which were amazingly delicious and couple glasses of Sangria !!

those 2 days was a great holiday for me, surrounded by my friends, great conversation, lots of lots of food, and few drinks- awesome time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



7 コメント

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Unknown (Robin)
2010-10-14 04:07:50
あず~!I can't see the pictures. T____T Are you gonna upload them in facebook?
Unknown (Robin)
2010-10-19 22:09:54
Waaah! Komeda Coffee! You know, I think another reason I like Nagoya a lot is because it's 喫茶店天国 and I really love that kind of cafe/coffee house. Of course many cities have Starbuck's, Tully's, etc. but Nagoya also has the local shops. They're nice if you want to find a quiet spot to relax and read a book or magazine and enjoy coffee and a snack.

Did you buy the real wasabi?
Unknown (Helena)
2010-10-21 12:32:49
Love the pics, you're looking great!! I think you might be due for another visit: Here!!! It's been 1 year, can u believe it? Miss you...
to robin (dazu)
2010-10-21 18:11:39
No, i didnt buy the real wasabi, it was a lot of wasabi, and unless we are having sushi party or something i wouldnt use too much wasabi and somen season is over, its almost winter.... so nope this time,
and about kameda coffee, yah you are right, i might like the americanized style but you probably love the japanese old stuff- it has more 風情 right?? i lkike the カランコロン sounds - the bell sound thet make when you enter 喫茶店 a small one. always 漫才コンビis making the ネタnad when they perform they go カランコロンー its so funny for me
to helena (dazu)
2010-10-21 18:13:09
oh comeone, i havent been at my best, i have been gaining weight and really negative... this day was my good day since i spent all day with my best friends. they make me laugh and i can be myself without embarassing myself or faking.... its the best!! yah i sure do need to come back, but, yah, what about you guys come and visit me too
Unknown (émily)
2010-10-21 22:27:04
it looks like a perfect reunion of friends!
The photo reminds me of the tsukiji fish market in Tokyo, great memories!!
And you've learned to me how wasabi looks like, I've never seen this before. Amazing "vegetable" or root?
to emily (dazu)
2010-10-23 00:35:00
it is a root!!!! but it will be too spicy if you eat it like that-!! it is horshradish!!!