
2010-10-28 | What makes me comfortable

I loooooooooove to go get a massage.. i mean who doesnt?

compared to Taiwan or Thailand, getting a massage cost twice as much here in Japan, and normally their skill is nothing compared to South East Asia, every massage place you go in Taiwan its really really good.
BUT, since i experienced a lot of places- there is the right place :)

When my face(head), neck is tired (when i have  headcahe) - I go to
"iyashima senka" 癒しま専家 near Hanshin Amagasaki station-尼崎駅から徒歩1分★ 三和商店街の入り口 just at the entrance of Sanwa arcade street :))
 they are really good, angreat acess from train station- you get off, and walk for a minute!
They have 眼精疲労コースa face massage !!!!! THIS IS so good. people are so nice there and very quiet and relaxing mood. they also have nail salon, only by appointment :) i think its pretty convinient, you can give yourself a whole relaxation sometime. get your massage, then nails done!!!!

and the foot massage.... i went to a place in COCOE Amagasaki,
a big shopping mall near JR amagasaki station ココエあまがさき- JR尼崎駅
Natural Garden ナチュラルガーデン
I got a reflexology, 30 min- my reflexologist was Awesome, she hit every points that needed to be hit, like she could see the points written!!!!!!!

and... When you wanna have your WHOLE BODY relaxed- this is the place for you!!!!  Enjoy the conversation with the "master", my friend, YUKO chan!!!!
ハナカンナ Hana Canna- in fact this salon is quiet new,  my friend YUKO chan used to be one of the busy "OL" - a japense word for office lady and determined to start something new, what makes her realy happy. And did she love it? she is great at it..... :)
she has all different kind of flavored tea, and the salon always smells sooooooooo good- love it how she puts some essencial oil under the massage bed so as you breath it leads you to "the other side"- literally,  everything about the place is 120% relaxing!!
She is so freakin good with using her "elbow" and beats each "origin of pain" or what i call "it" and omg, after the massage you feel like you are 2kg lighter.
心斎橋駅か四ツ橋から歩くー★わからなかったら、電話したらYUKO ちゃんが優しく教えてくれます。
06-6536-1808 ハナカンナ

OK, to finish this entry, i just wanna say-
 your body is entirely crying for help, like me.


4 コメント

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are you ticklish? (chuchuchie)
2010-10-30 16:37:14
i'm extremely ticklish, so i don't really like massages that much, but the way you describe these places makes even ME interested in getting a massage! :)

actually (Dazu)
2010-10-30 23:39:53
im ticklish, really, really ticklish, but these places are so professional, the way they touch you is just relaxing-- god hands! hehehe
well taiwan has good massages too, and cheap, only in taiwan when you tell them "ton!"=it hurts! they say "wo chi tao" I know, i know, and they dont change the pressure, so it keeps hurting!! hehehe they seem to know exactly what is wong with me, and they can even guess my lifestyle- like lack of sleep, too much fried food, or something! scary!!
Unknown (émily)
2010-11-04 02:26:42
You make me think about a massage... I've just arrived in a new area so I don't know yet where I can go. Nice new colors for your blog :)
Have a nice end of week!
THANX emily!!!!!!! (Dazu)
2010-11-05 19:25:19
Merci boque!
You can ask around your neibor probably!!!
Or you can check on the net!!!
if you have a chance to travel to Asia again, you should definitly get a massage!!!!
