Im not a techonology person, but i need it.

2010-08-03 | What makes me comfortable
last night i got online and saw someone from high school was online too.
SHe used to be in my gym class when i was an exchange student in Indiana, i thought she might not have remmebered me but i said hey, and she rememberd me!
we havent talked since 1999, and even though we had class together we didnt talk outside of our classes, so i was surprised !!
she told me that she got out of indiana as soon as she graduated, then she traveled a lot in europe and worked!!! it was realy cool to know she went all over the places, i also told her about my education trip experiences and she was like "fantastic!"
when you are young you dont really know what potential your friends have, and what kind of person she will become- and i figured out last night, that she has become someone who love to try new things and love the change in life, just like me! she now lives in an island near south calorina- that must be nice

i guess now it is so much easier to keep in touch with oversea people when we can see someone online that easily, and only in one night i got to know my friend from high school back in 1999, what her life is like now. that is pretty amazing!

im pretty analog person, and i still write letters too.
i do like writing. when i write it i picture her face more than when i write emails. i would pick a color that she likes and maybe out a little bit of perfume wishing that it would also reach her.

Few years ago, i met a couple from France in Amagasaki station. they were totally lost or nore like confused or in trouble,so my friend and i went up to them and asked them what was wrong, then the truth was... they had left their bag, literally everything on the train which they just gotten off.

well, japan is prett ysafe country, even if you had left a bag with passports, wallet video caemras and all, it will come back to the owner most of the time, some nice person will report it to the "lost and found" counter, in order to get this ccall you have to write down all the information and your contact number, however the staffs at the train station had no idea of english, and the sheet was only in japanese, so they were having some trouble, and more than anything she jsu felt like crying im sure.

many people in US halped me a lot in the past years, and why not help this person? she might not get her bag if noone helps her.

I asked he what the bag looked like, and write down all the information on the paper. it waseasy, the thing was, iwhen i asked her where she was staying, she didnt know. because all the information was in her bag, then only one hint was there.

The name of the hotel is SAKURA, and its in TOKYO

Yes, they were staying in TOKYO, then that day they had traveld from tokyyo to kansai , and they were suposed to go back .
well i was sure there are more than a lot of hotels that name sakura, so what did we do? my friend got out her cell phone (japanese cell phiones with great techonology) she started searching all the hotels in tokyo that names sakura which had like a lot.....
and.. i wrote a note to the staff of a hotel what had happend, and that they will get a phone all from JR (train office) if they found a bag.

AND guess what. they found it, and they got everything back.

So ever since, we have been great friends!!! :) we write emails and plus for christmas we send each other christmas cards , and it has been great! although we actually havent seen each other since that, we would really love to hang out someday! somewhere! hehe

Thank you to the techonology- i can keep in touch with my friends, all over the world!!


3 コメント

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what a wonderful story! (chuchuchie)
2010-08-05 00:10:55
you really are a kind and considerate person. if only the world were full of people like you... :)

thanks for sharing that wonderful story. it's really nice to know what a difference you can make in someone's life, right? :)
Hey (dazu)
2010-08-05 12:10:02
yea, actually we are good friends now so its wonderful! nornally people lose in touch after some time!
Unknown (émily)
2010-08-09 22:02:21
That my ex-boyfriend who had lost his bag :s
This story is so true, and it remembers me that you rescued our Japan trip!!
I cannot imagine what we had done without you!
It make me feel so ashamed too, to be such inconscious !! Fortunatly for us, we were in Japan!
So thank you of lot again :D

I totally agree with you, internet is such a good tool for long distance comunication, so easy, but I like write some card sometimes, and I like to create card myself. But sometimes, I'm lazy so I just write an e-mail, My sister and my brother didn't like that because they prefer a phone call for example, but it's not always pratical!

I think Facebook is so weird. I don't like thinking that people that I don't know can look at my "life" or people from garden school for example. Even if it's really fashion to be on facebook....I don't like this.