SMILE CANDY PROJECT Newest Update!!!!!! 最新情報!

2011-05-11 | What's happening around the world






I finally sent the two packages(smile Candies) to Kesennuma city, Miyagi pref. today!!!! 

it was a long way until i could find out where to send since everyone had been rejecting me (not in a bad way, they cant have too much stuff)

but i had talked to the city councilman directly and requested some support in finding out a place.

I got a phone call from him last night sayind that he talked to the city council of Miyagi pref. and that he got an address for me to send the package and if i send them to that address there would be children to receive those.

So i am really glad this worked out, and thank you so much for the support.

I leared a lot of things through this project.

I cant really express that with words, but  i feel so happy that I, we, achieved something.

ok, maybe thats just making me feel good for doing something good some people might say thats not for other's sake, and just for your sake. but whats wrong with that, now ive got so many to involve with this, especially my point was to teach children about the importance of sending our hearts and prayers by sending these messages and candies. They are too young to understand? its okay. they will remember that they did "something" with the candies that "they didnt get to eat" which is almost like a punishment for little kids. candiesn in front of them and not being able to eat. hahaha!!

Ok, so thats all for today becuase its my day off and i wanna take a bit rest and snack something... hehe allow me to be lazy :>

oh, and i have only17 days till Taiwan, im so excited.