More Cooking

2010-11-20 | My work of art

Recently im really into

蒸し料理    literally translated as "Steamed dishes"??? not sure. yah but you can pretty much out everything anything in a  bamboo steamer and steam whatever inside.  What i love about it is that its done in like.... 10 min.

All you gatta do is cook rice or noodles to go with, and prepare beer or wine- when i prepare chicken, potatos, and onions, i always have a glass of wine with it, and for beef and cabbage, i always have beer! its soooooooo good!!


This is Chicken (thigh), Moyashi, Mini tomatos, Green beans, Kabura (small JP radish), and spinich.

And you dont really need the sauce. If you like it spicy, you can make your own

spicy sauce, or any sauce actually, even tomato sauce or PONZU, soy sauce, Onion dressing, ya, anything!!!!

I always love my meat and vegis salt and pepper!!

Tomorrow i work at the studio and I already fixed my OBENTO (lunch box)

Three Manton (dont know how to say that in English or Japanese...) kind of NIKUMAN, a bread with meat inside- two (plaine) one (curry flavor) it was really cheap at the supermarket and I thought thats really convinient to bring :) Orange cup is for MISO soup- ill bring the instant MISO paste and just pour hot water from denki pot.  Then another lunch box of からあげ (fried chicken) and ちくわ入り玉子焼き friend eggs with chikuwa. Then my box of "fruite paradice"- pinapple, Tangeirne, apples, Kiwi fruite  自分で振り返ってもこのランチはかなりいい感じよ

by the way, people at work are really curious about my lunch- because I always bring something "different" form others.

Normally Japanese lunch box contains...

1.RICE  2.Meat  3.Eggs 4.Vegis.  Or....

Cup noodles, spaghetti, Curry, etc.. ONE PLATE MENU.

regular Japanese lunch box is actually really "めんどくさい” to fix.... its pretty complicated. You have to make the eggs, and then fry the chicken, and then fix salad... and then... when you microwave it you have to remove the lettuce cause you dont wanna heat up the lettus and thats just sooooooooooooooooo COMPLICTAED for me.... i mean, if I just bought a cup noodle , yes its easy. but i honestly dont think its testes that good.... And, thats boring.... most of my life i have HAD this kind of lunch.. since i was little. SO now i got to know all these different food from other countries or even new type of food- why not try new things

One day I brought Bagle sandwich and everyone was like "wow- you are おしゃれ"

おしゃれ means "fashionable" or "cool"  

When i used to work in INTL. preschool I remember Indian students bringing "samosa" (please forgive me if i spelled them wrong)or "chapati" for their lunch, or different kind of rice (kinda dry and long grain, with some kind of beans or nuts in it?) and American students bringing JELLY SANDWICH almost evryday, Taiwanese students bringing "Shueichao" Chinese dumplings-  Swedish children bringing Pancakes, and i thought it was so cool. When children grow up in that kind of enviroment, seeing all these different kind of food- some people eat them with hands, others use chopsticks or forks... im sure they will learn "culture" through their ecperience- thats great "education".

Just to finish up this entry, can I introduce my

"diet" drink that I have been drinking? I strongly believe i will lose weight with this, i saw this girl lost about 50kg drinking this.


In my "favorite" cup J bought for me at the Flore Expo!!!!!!!!