Gardens Early Childhood Center

2009-09-01 | Education Trip 2009
Hi! Im in New Zealand now!
I have skipped a couple of .. well actually many of my entries... i have to write more and more and more actually.. but
i have been busy and lazy, and not being able to have the easy access to a PC.
So i have visited schools in Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore- then now Im in New Zelanad.
in Vietnam- i have visited one preschool- it was a local private school, where the director is a very nice Vietnamese lady- in fact she studied Child education in Japan for the last 2 years, and she said she takes a lot of her crafts ideas and the wall decorations from the Japanese Books.
the school was painted so colorful and the rooms were pretty small, since there arent many number of children. There are a main teacher and an assistant teahcer in one classroom, and they basically are taken care inside the room-at Lunch time they are expected to sit nicely and wait for their food, and the food is very nuturitious and the children really know how to eat politely, it was amazing. They know where their cups are and pretty much they really do things on their own.

I have to write more but I got no time...
This day care in Auckland is great! i love the teachers and kids already. I will be volunteering there for a month so i will be able to learn a lot about their style of teaching. Im already ssing the differenced and its great! My favorite part of their nursery is the messy play and outside play. They are allowed to just do whatever as long as its supervised.
in Japan we dont get to do a lot of messy things and i think it is really important for the babies to touch and tastes things to work their sensory more than being polite or improve their languages.
they train good manners and good listenings, then they also have lotso f fun. Good deal!