

大統領選挙戦:最終日 Presidential Election: The Final Day

2012-11-07 | 人生


もう誰でもいいから早く投票を数えて終わりにしてくれよぉ~ テレビでもインターネットのサイトでもYouTubeでも看板でも車のバンパーステッカーでもどこ見ても候補者の宣伝しかない それにほとんど自分の話じゃなくてただ相手の悪口をする「attack ad」(中傷キャンペーン 国の運命がかかっているのに毎回子供の喧嘩みたいになっちゃって...もう情けない 

Today we enter voting day and reach the end of the presidential campaign. It has been a truly obnoxious year.

I don't even care who it is anymore, just please hurry up and count the ballots to put an end to this! Everywhere you look--on TV, on websites, on YouTube, on billboards, on car bumper stickers--it's nothing but candidate ads! And on top of that, a ton of them are just attack ads!

Even with the fate of our country on the line, every time it boils down to a childish fight. It's pitiful.





Also, Americans love to announce their opinions to other people, so (especially on the internet) people get in arguments with people they don't even know, and post signs on their yards. There aren't the obnoxiously noisy political "announcement trucks" like there are in Japan, but instead of that, we've got the Americans making all the noise themselves. (And, of course, the news almost exclusively talks about the election lately.)

My house doesn't have a sign on it, but a lot of our neighbors do. There's no chance someone is going to see a sign on a yard and change their mind, so I only see them as a way to fuel another argument. So I really hate the American mindset of "I absolutely need to tell everyone else what my opinion is."




I'm in Arizona right now, so when I left home in Wisconsin I voted early with an absentee ballot. A lot of Americans vote early so they can avoid the crazy crowds at the polling centers. 

I think both the candidates this year were a horrible choice, so I ended up voting while still technically undecided. I just went in with the mindset, "who is the less terrible?" Either way, today is the last day, so I'm going to avoid watching the news. I look forward to the results.


