

日本のPR Publicizing in Japan

2012-01-27 | 見解



I just got out from my long bath to heal my exhaustion from today's Tokyo business trip.





I went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to represent Tochigi Prefecture and introduce it to embassy officials from many different countries. There were other prefectures and cities presenting, so we didn't go into major details, but after the presentations I went back to the booth we had set up for Tochigi to greet visitors and interpret for my co-workers.






I've done many of these "PR events" at work, but frankly speaking, I question their effectiveness. It goes without saying how important advertising is. But when it comes to public entities like a whole prefecture, what exactly are you aiming to gain from the exposure?





Some of the embassy officials said that they'd like to visit Tochigi, so as far as the advertising goes, I suppose it was a success. But what I'm worried about is whether the officials will go to Tochigi as they said, and simply marvel at the prefecture, go back to Tokyo and call it a day.




Of course, it could be that there are various connections that come from these opportunities. If there are eventually sister cities established, factories built in one another's countries, or openings of agricultural trade, it's simply not as clear as the increase in profits a company sees from its marketing. I'm not an expert, so I don't claim to grasp the true effects of advertising a prefecture as a whole.




Everyone was particularly fervent about advertising local products. There were even a ton of food/drink samples. The visitors all had a great response to the products, but they looked disappointed to hear that they could only buy the products in each local area. They can't just travel to the area that easily, and people usually don't travel long distances just to buy something. That's when I thought of several things.





There are a ton of companies in America that offer their products for sale online to easily overcome logistical issues. Through the internet, their "store" exists everywhere, and they don't even have to pay rent or close up shop for the night. It's good that many Japanese stores sell their products online through sites such as Rakuten, but Japanese people still don't shop online as much as Americans do. Even when there's such an easy answer for how to get customers to buy a product!



There's another thing that I get hung up on. Japanese seem to care more about a product’s specific origin more than other countries. (For example, Tokyo has tons of restaurants with super delicious gyoza, but lots of Tokyoites still travel all the way to Utsunomiya just to eat its gyoza.)  "This is from such-and-such!" might be a selling point in Japan, but that holds little merit in other places. It must be able to answer the only important question: "So? Is it delicious?"



Three booths at the PR event offered samples of strawberries, but Tochigi was the most well-received. Is it because "Tochiotome" brand strawberries had the highest reputation? No, it was because they were the most delicious. So if I were to sell Tochiotome strawberries overseas, I would not use the advertisements used in Japan. I would focus on the question "WHY" it is a different product. The product must sell itself, not rely on its origin. In this way, I am often unimpressed with advertising in Japan. But this is something I can talk much deeper about if I concentrate and take notes on specific examples. Maybe I will go into more detail in a future blog post.



栃木県を活発にする方法をもっと思いつけたらいいのにと悔しく思っています。私の職場はみんなの意見をちゃんと聞いてくれるのでその機会を利用しないのがもったいないとも思っています。でもとりあえず、私は翻訳などの能力を持っているのでせめてパンフレットなどの情報を英訳して、外国の人々に対して栃木県をできるだけもっと親しみやすくしたり、分かりやすくしたりしたいです。地方テレビ局で放送されるビデオもいくつか翻訳してありますが、まだ利用されていないので県庁が英語版をタンスにしまってほこりをかぶらせていないで、いつかこのせっかく面白くできているビデオを 、効果的に使える時が来る事を願っています ...

I wish I had more knowledge about ideas for revitalizing Tochigi. My workplace allows people to voice their opinion, so I feel it's a waste to not take advantage of the opportunity to contribute. For now, I want to use my strong translation skills to translate as many pamphlets and information as possible to make Tochigi more approachable and understandable to foreigners. I have already translated some of the television shows from our local TV station. (They have yet to be used, so I hope the prefectural office will find a way to effectively use these entertaining videos to introduce our prefecture, instead of having it in a desk collecting dust...)


将来どんな仕事をしたいのかまだすごく迷っています。(しかもこんなに年をとっているのに!悔しい!)でも今の仕事のおかげでいろいろ見えてきて、感謝しています。興味のない商品を売り込む仕事ではなくて、公務員として県民の生活をよくするために仕事をするのが好きだと分かったし、マーケティングもなかなか面白いとも初めて思いました!♪ これからどんな風に世界を変えていくか、もうちょっと考えてみようかな!

I am still struggling to figure out what kind of career I want to have in my future. (I'm already sad I'm this old and don't know yet!) But this job is teaching me many things, and for that I'm grateful. I love working for the government because I am working for the sake of citizens instead of a product I don't believe in. I'm also finding marketing to be quite interesting! Guess I’ll keep trying to figure out how I’m going to change the world!