

刺身バージョンアップ Sashimi Upgrade

2012-02-20 | 人生


Two years ago, my workplace had our end-of-the-year party at a traditional Japanese restaurant. I don't really like raw food, so my extremely nice boss felt bad for me and had the chef sear my portion of the sashimi.



I was absolutely moved at how delicious the cooked sashimi was, and have never forgotten the flavor. I know Japanese people love raw fish, but I can't understand why they don't use sashimi to cook, especially when it's already the best part of the fish. And the best part: no bones!!!



So this week I finally put my thoughts into action and went ahead and bought some sashimi at the grocery store on the way home from work. While thinking that the Japanese might be horrified if they saw me, but also thinking to myself in a strangely smug way, "O ho ho I am a proud foreigner!", I cooked my fish in some soy sauce and mirin (cooking sake).




Well, it turned out disgusting. Guess I need a blowtorch to do this correctly.

Sorry, Japan, I was wrong. (bows)



初北海道旅行終了! First Hokkaido Trip: Complete!

2012-02-09 | 人生


The Japanese title kind of looks like Chinese...



I got back from Hokkaido yesterday morning. (At four AM! I can't believe I made it in to work the same day!) There were four of us Americans who went in a tiny little compact car so it was tight, but still surprisingly okay. The car ride itself took 12 hours total, and including the ferry time and waiting time, it was a 20 hour trip one way. Japanese don't seem to really do road trips, but to Americans it's an obvious part of enjoying a trip. My friend has a car, so I was really glad to be able to go on a Japanese road trip for the first time. But since it was us in a little compact, I'm sure everyone around us was seeing us like that picture.




Things that were especially fun/good:

Even though the temperatures in Hokkaido were colder, the air is moist so the dry freezing air in the Kanto region I live in is so much worse! Plus the buildings up north are made to be warmer, so I'm jealous! (I just could never stand how anywhere you go, it's extremely slippery.)


友達と2人でぶらぶらして札幌の雪祭りのアイスバーでホットワインを飲んでいたところ、友達がブラジルのテレビ局の人にインタービュされました すっごく面白かったですが私も一応入っていましたのでインタービュしているところの写真を撮れませんでした。


When I was wandering with my friend around Sapporo's Snow Festival and we were drinking hot wine at the outdoor Ice Bar, my friend was interviewed by a Brazilian television station. It was super interesting, but I was in the camera shot too, so I wasn't able to break out my camera.【break out (something):~を取り出す】

The channel number was the only thing written on the microphone so it really sucks that I can't look it up online.



I went to both the Sapporo Snow Festival and the Otaru Lights Festival, so I took a ton of pictures! I thought I would upload them but I realized I never got my SD card back from lending to my friend. If it ends up that I lost my card, I'll have to have my friend send the files back to me. Sooo the pictures shall be later on...



犯罪生活終了......でしょうか?  The end of my life of crime... or is it?

2012-02-02 | 仕事


Today was the end of the criminal training--I mean the police training. In the end I robbed a woman's purse by knifepoint, drove drunk, got my bike stolen, and got molested on the train. It was a busy two days, haha.




Ever since I was a child I would get scared and cry when I got scolded, so when I was getting interrogated (in adlib, no less) I was kind of nervous, but I was playing the part of a foreigner who didn't know Japanese so it was English only. Even so, I'm more accustomed to speaking in Japanese at this point so when I speak in English, I'm even more nervous. I mean, with English, there are too many words and phrases in my head and I have a hard time sorting it out. With Japanese, there are only so many things I'm capable of saying, so I get by with easy phrases. 【only so many: 限られている】



Even though the prefectural police officers and detectives weren't specialized in English and never had a chance to use it, they were able to do the ridiculously difficult task of interpreting, even while they went on about how they couldn't do it. 【go on about (something): ~を強調する、または~についてとりとめなくしゃべる】Oh but that's so common! Too many Japanese insist, "Even though I studied English for years and years, I don't understand a lick of it!"【a lick of (something): わずか(否定文で使う事が多い)】As a native speaker, even if I hear haphazard English by a Japanese person who isn't very good at English, I'm always impressed at how they can at least speak it. Even if they can't blab anything they want, and even if they can't understand a foreigner's fast speech, it's not right to say "I know zero English." It's more like "I have no confidence in my English." If they do their best, they can get their message across. If it was an American being demanded to say anything at all in Japanese to a Japanese person, I don't think they'd be able to say a single word. 


では、明日から雪祭りのために札幌へ向かって出発します!アメリカ人の友達と4人で軽自動車で行ってきます! ずっと前から行きたいと思っていましたが交通費が高すぎて毎年諦めました。今年は最後のチャンスですから行っちゃおう~とやっと決心しました。今度は新しい犯罪を犯そうかな?美しい雪城に不法侵入して自分の政治的領土だと主張したりするとか?!

Well, I head off tomorrow to Sapporo for the Snow Festival! I'm going in a mini compact car with three other American friends. I've always wanted to go, but the transportation costs were always too expensive and every year I would give up. This year is my last chance so I finally decided to go for it. Maybe this time I will start a new crime by trespassing into the beautiful snow castle and claiming it as my political territory?!




犯罪人生 A Life of Crime

2012-02-01 | 仕事


Starting today I turn to a life of crime!
Actually, I got a request to participate in the prefectural police training seminar, so starting today I'll be going on a business trip to take part in the interpretation portion of the  conference. 
I'll be the criminal and pretend that I don't know Japanese as the police officer interrogates me. Then the trainee, who has studied English but never gets a chance to use it, will interpret (very nervously, I'm sure). After the role-play is done, I'll rate the performance. 
体の小さい女の子に犯人役をやってもらっているところを想像するとちょっと笑っちゃいます... 県内で逮捕される外国人の中で一番多いのはアフリカ系の男性だと言われたのに...
It makes me laugh to imagine a frail little girl acting out a criminal role. Even though I was told that African males are the most often arrested within non-Japanese in Tochigi...
Well, I'm always the only foreigner in the prefectural office for them to rely on, so these interesting jobs show up every so often. 
My job is really fun because everyday is different, but I've decided to take a break from being a foreigner for a little while and go back to America at the end of July. 
For now, I'll give the crime my best today!