

新しいデッキ New Deck

2013-05-20 | 人生




I've got one month left of living at home with my parents.

They've been planning on remodeling the deck for a long time now, and we've finally started. First my dad and grandpa are tearing down the old one.

I'm busy with work and I don't know the first thing about remodeling houses, so I feel really guilty. For now I'm helping with the cooking and stuff. I'm taking pictures every day, too, and I've uploaded them in chronological order, so let's take a look!



(This is one of the neighborhood stray cats. Our animal-loving household is the one that's feeding them. The deck is their house, but they're hungry, so even if we tear down the deck they aren't running away.)



古いデッキの色などが古くさくてみにくいといつも思っていた。新しいのができるのを楽しみにしている~ 今度はちゃんとしたスタイルにするつもりだって。裏庭が坂になっているので、二段にしようと話している。

I always thought the old deck was old-looking and the colors and everything were super ugly. I can't wait for the new deck to be finished! This time they say we'll have a deck with actual style to it, and the yard is on a small hill, so we'll make it into a two-level deck.


車の掃除 Car Cleaning

2013-05-10 | 人生



Today I gave Scooter a scrub-down.

With both my car and my house, I hate when unidentifiable crap is wedged in the cracks of things. Even if my room is really cluttered, there'll be no dust!



I often say, "If you haven't used a toothbrush, then it's not clean!"





臨時ニュース (Lindsay News)

2013-05-07 | 人生

臨時ニュース=Lindsay News いつか言ってみたかった



ヤッター 信じられなーい 見つけたー


Wowow I can't believe it I found it~

I was browsing through more cars last night and came across an okay one, and when I went to the dealer homepage, I spotted My Car.



I'm not big on the color, and dark colors are unbearably hot in the Arizona desert, but I figured it was better than black. And the more that I look at it, the nicer the blue looks.




I was bent on buying a Nissan Cube when I got back from Japan, but I had to give up because the used cars aren't cheap enough. I'll think about it next time. But Nissan makes cuter cars than other car makers so I'm really lucky to have found a cheap Nissan!

By the way, my favorite car maker is Daihatsu. They make the cutest cars in the world. I LOVE Daihatsu! But they don't sell cars in America so I cry and give up.


日本人は愛車に名前を付けるかどうか知らないけど、私は必ず付ける。今回のNissan Versa(日産ティーダかな?)の名前はスクーター。なんでかというと、"scoot"という動詞はなんとなく英語で「かわいく走る」というイメージがあるから。

I don't know if Japanese name their cars, but I always do. This time my Nissan Versa's name is Scooter. That's because the verb "scoot" in English has a feeling of moving around in a cute fashion.



My little Scooter (I made her a girl), let's stay healthy, and go really, really far together!


自動車ショッピング Car Shopping

2013-05-05 | 人生
It's been 8 months since I got back from Japan, and I'm leaving home soon, so I'm currently car shopping.


Every single day I look at cars online and visit car dealers, but there's nothing. These past few years, car production has been way down due to the recession, and more people are buying used cars because they have no money, so the selection is terrible and the prices are skyrocketed. This sucks!

I feel like I've already seen every single used car in my area. (sob)
If I only pay a little more money I can get a new car, but it'd be just enough to put me in a bind! This really sucks!
とりあえず信頼性の高い車ならなんでもいい。大好きなフリーランスの仕事をしているのでお金があまりなくても幸せなもんで、ちゃんとした仕事ができたら本当 に好きな自動車を買う。でも実家を出たら3000キロ離れている州へ車で引っ越す予定だから中古車が途中で壊れたら大変だ!!!

For now, any reliable car will do. Even if I don't have a lot of money, I'm living a good life because I'm doing freelance work that I love, and I'll buy a car I love when I get a real job. But once I leave home, I'm moving to a state almost 2,000 miles away, so if my used car breaks down halfway, I'm screwed!

調子のいい中古車はどこだ~ (;_;)

Where are all the good used cars?!


ライラちゃん Baby Lylah

2013-01-18 | 人生


My sister had her second child shortly before New Year's. I was ecstatic to visit her in the hospital because I was in Japan for the births of both my niece and my nephew, so it was my first time ever to see a newborn baby. It was a very special moment for me.

 (写真は全部、クリックすると拡大します) (Click photos to enlarge)


First, here is a picture of Lylah's older brother Blake, taken one month before her birth. He's yelling at her through a tin can phone to come out! Blake is two and a half years old now.




Here are some pictures of cute Lylah:


Blue-eyed babies are born with dark eyes that grow bluer over time starting at around six months old. Hair color, too, sometimes is darker at first, grows blond, and later grows dark again. (That's how it is in my family.) Isn't that interesting?


And here is a baby picture of my sister. Lylah looks just like her!