

自動車ショッピング Car Shopping

2013-05-05 | 人生
It's been 8 months since I got back from Japan, and I'm leaving home soon, so I'm currently car shopping.


Every single day I look at cars online and visit car dealers, but there's nothing. These past few years, car production has been way down due to the recession, and more people are buying used cars because they have no money, so the selection is terrible and the prices are skyrocketed. This sucks!

I feel like I've already seen every single used car in my area. (sob)
If I only pay a little more money I can get a new car, but it'd be just enough to put me in a bind! This really sucks!
とりあえず信頼性の高い車ならなんでもいい。大好きなフリーランスの仕事をしているのでお金があまりなくても幸せなもんで、ちゃんとした仕事ができたら本当 に好きな自動車を買う。でも実家を出たら3000キロ離れている州へ車で引っ越す予定だから中古車が途中で壊れたら大変だ!!!

For now, any reliable car will do. Even if I don't have a lot of money, I'm living a good life because I'm doing freelance work that I love, and I'll buy a car I love when I get a real job. But once I leave home, I'm moving to a state almost 2,000 miles away, so if my used car breaks down halfway, I'm screwed!

調子のいい中古車はどこだ~ (;_;)

Where are all the good used cars?!



3 コメント

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Carmax (Lite2shine)
2013-05-05 14:45:10
Have you tried Carmax site? How about AAA site?
Unknown (Lindsay)
2013-05-05 14:58:30
Yeah, I've tried almost every site. Carmax is the most expensive with a set price, since a customer pays more for less "negotiating" hassle, which I can't afford.

I have 3 weeks, so I'm watching sites to see the new changes in inventory!
Unknown (Poe)
2013-05-08 00:04:38
What up! Don't worry about your car breaking down on the way to AZ - I have the highest-level AAA, so we're good!
