

忍者同情 Ninja Dojo

2012-11-28 | 人生


イベントの名前は「Festival of Trees」(クリスマスツリーまつり)で、いろんなクリスマス飾り(クリスマスツリーそのものやもっと小さいもの)を展示して、イベントに来る人たちが欲しいものを買って、最後に利益が寄付されます。展示の一つは「ジンジャーブレッド・ハウス」のコーナーでした。

D's mother volunteers at the local annual Christmas event "Festival of Trees", so we went to go see it the other day. There are a lot of Christmas decorations and trees displayed and for sale, with proceeds going to charity. One of the displays was for gingerbread houses.


A gingerbread house is a house made of gingerbread cookies and sweets, often made during Christmas as an American tradition.


You can make it however you like, because anything goes. But here's what a stereotypical gingerbread house looks like: 




Here's what was on display at the event we went to:




なるほど!面白い!本人は「dojo kanji」をググったら、最初に出たのが「同情」らしい。

One of them particularly stood out. One of the participants seemed to really love Japan, because they made a gingerbread dojo with gingerbread ninjas practicing with Pocky sticks. There was even a rock garden and a koi pond! I laughed at the kanji part. I was guaranteed to be the only person in the whole place that could read it. When I read kanji, the English meaning comes to mind faster than the Japanese reading, so I thought to myself, "Why would they write 'sympathy' on the building?" But then I realized that sympathy in Japanese is pronounced "dojo."

Aha! A homonym. That's too funny. I guess when they googled "dojo kanji" the wrong word came up.

(クリックすると拡大します Click to enlarge)


There was even a Lucky Cat themed Christmas tree by someone else! Man, Americans sure do love Japan.

「クリスマス電車」も広場を走っていましたのでビデオを撮りました。招き猫ツリーも登場しますよ! 興味のある方、是非ご覧下さい♪

There was a Christmas Train circling the area, so I took a video. Lucky Cat Tree's in it, too. Feel free to take a look!


