

思い出の英語曲 紹介シリーズ Nostalgic English Music

2011-10-21 | 見解


I might have said this before, but I have a particular way of listening to music.


 First of all, when I'm in America, I miss Japan. When I'm in Japan, I miss America.


 And so, I do what I can to make it feel like I'm in both countries at the same time since I really just want to live in both.


 In all truth, I find Japanese food a lot more delicious than slopped-together American dishes. Even so, there are times I find myself longing for American soul food: oatmeal or cereal for breakfast, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, or nutrient-void macaroni and cheese for dinner.


 When I eat nostalgic foods, as long as I'm not watching a Japanese TV program while I eat, it feels like I've completely returned back to America. It's extremely relaxing.


 That's actually really common for people living abroad. Even my Japanese exchange student friends living in America did that. But for me, there's something else, too.


 I don't listen to Japanese music in Japan. I'm already plenty aware that I'm in Japan, so listening to its music just makes me homesick.


 But when I listen to American music, the memories connected with the songs come flooding back to me. The songs I listened to with my boyfriend when we would go on drives. The songs I was obsessed with in middle school. The songs I listened to when I was chilling out in my college dorm. When I close my eyes, I'm taken back to that peaceful moment.


 But on the other hand, I love hearing Japanese music playing at the store. I know hearing cutesy J-Pop at the store in America is unthinkable, so I feel happy that I'm in Japan. It becomes a rare opportunity that I know my Japan-loving friends in America would get jealous of.


 It might also be because of the contents of the music being chosen for its exoticness or coolness. It's a different reason for my wanting to listen to English music, so at that point I prefer Japanese music being played around town. But my thoughts on that change depending on my mood.


 Anyway, I think I'll introduce some songs once in a while to show some of the ones I listen to in order to feel back home in America.


Today I'll introduce a song from when I was a college student. I was going to the University of Arizona, but this band just so happens to be from Arizona. My roommate showed me this band and I was hooked.

The Format - The Compromise




楽園日帰り Day Trip to Paradise

2011-10-16 | 人生


I noticed something the other day. It was when I'd stuffed myself with food and become really sleepy.


I'd gone out to eat something that was neither unhealthy nor good for me, and when I got home I lay down and dozed off. As I lay there slipping in and out of consciousness, I thought what a happy thing a nap was.


It's really mentally exhausting to struggle to continue working even though you're sleepy, and to fight off drowsiness in the middle of the day.


But to obediently comply to your sleepiness and quietly submit to peace and quiet while the world goes on bustling around you--now that's luxury.


So make sure you all take a break once in a while and take a good nap!


ただいま! I'm home!

2011-10-12 | 旅行


 (As long as I pride myself on my English ability I figured it's a waste not to write these blog entries in English, too, for the sake of Japanese who are doing their best to study it. I'll try writing my blog entries from here on out in both English in Japanese so I hope you can use it as a referral.)


昨日の夜、先週ぎりぎり取れた連休末の夜便で帰りました。やっぱり今日の仕事がきつい… しかも職場の健康診断もあって、採血で余計にだるい(汗)

Last night I returned home on the post-three-day-weekend evening flight I barely managed to snatch at the last second last week. Work today is as tough as I was expecting it to be... And on top of that I had my annual health check-up at work today so I'm even MORE exhausted from the blood test.



 When I first went to Kyushu, the announcements on the plane and stuff were all in Japanese, as one would expect for a domestic flight. (Which isn't a problem but once Japanese is spoken with an echo, I lose all ability to understand it. No matter how well I can understand Japanese, it's useless if I can't hear it clearly...)



 But it was different on the way home. Even though I was the one and only foreigner, suddenly the flight attendants struggled to tack on English to the announcements as well. (When the Japanese read scripts in English, I can kind of get an idea by the speed and tone of their speech whether they actually know English or not. The first attendant pretty much had it covered. The second one did not. That's how it came across to me, anyway.)



 But what intrigued me was why they decided to add English announcements this time around. Could it be that it was for my sake in particular? It felt pretty weird. It was kind of them, but I almost wanted to tell them that they didn't need to go out of their way on my account, haha.



 And that, Ladies and Gentleman, is today's episode of Things That Only Happen to Gaijin.



2011-10-08 | 旅行


昔は長崎が舞台になっていた映画を見て、長崎の風景に一目惚れしました。あれからずっと行ってみたくて、初めて日本に来て7年間になるのにあまり国内旅行をしてなくて、関東にしか住んでいないので、なにやってんだ私と思っていました。そこで来年アメリカに帰って外国人をちょっと休もうという思いが湧いてきたら、やばい、そろそろ本気になって旅行しなくちゃと思って、先週の火曜日いきなり休みを取って木曜日に九州に行くことにしました!あまり急すぎて相手がいないから生まれて初めての一人旅にもなりました σ(^_^;) 海外旅行だと女性一人で行くのがなかなか不安で行く気になれないけど、日本は安全だしまだ言葉ぜんぜん通じるのでとても安心できます。


一人旅でも楽しいですが、やっぱり一緒に楽しむ人がいないとちょっともったいない気がして… でも九州に行けて本当によかった! これから楽しみです~☆



2011-10-02 | 人生




