

変化の匂い The Smell of Change

2012-03-30 | 人生



I feel weird today. Half of the people in my office are transferring next week so my job is going to be very different. 

First of all, we had no welcome/going away party for the personnel transfers last year because of the earthquake. I also renewed my work contract, so even as we entered the new year last April, I felt stable, like my life and work continued on exactly the same. My coworkers didn't change, either. 
しかし、今年は違います。仕事の契約は7月までなので終わりがはっ きり見えますし、同僚もみんな一気に変わりました。それに、県庁に来てからずっと使っていた机も、全然違う場所になりました。
But this year is different. My contract is up in July, so the end  is clearly in sight. My coworkers are also all changing all at once. Even my desk that I've sat at ever since I started work here has moved to a completely different spot. So today I was busy with desk-transferring. We don't have a personnel transfer like this in America, so it always makes me acutely aware of the fact that I am settled down in Japan. 
Which also brings up really complex feelings toward my going home. When I graduate school or move--in other words, when my life is on the verge of moving on to a new stage--I feel like I'm watching myself from the outside. It's hard to explain, but it's like I've been living a specific life until that point, so I think, "That's not the life I know," and I don't feel a part of it. I'm just watching the daily life of another person. 
My life only changes once every few years so this is a special and rare sensation, but today I had it.
It's only my workplace that's changing, but--and this might be the fault of my feeling weird--everyone around town seemed different than usual, and more relaxed or something.
Even the smell was different!
I'm sure you're thinking, "Huh?!" but everyone around me on the train smelled like Japan. Not a bad smell, just what I see as what Japan itself smells like. If I try to explain it, then I'd say it's a clean, nonsmoking hotel room that smells like mothballs. 
It was also amazingly warm outside today. Straight up first spring in a year. 
So I'm riding on that feeling and listening to music I've never heard before. 
Such is today and its bringer of changes. 
【such is~: ~ってそういうもんだよね】


テキトウ料理シリーズ Arbitrary Cooking Series

2012-03-24 | 料理


I'm not very good at cooking, but since I live alone, it's even more lonely if I just eat out all the time. That's why I do what I can to make my own dinner. It's a fundamental question of "What kind of meal does a person make when they don't know how to cook?" But to Japanese, I'm sure it's more like, "What kind of meal does a foreigner make when they're cooking in Japan?" To be sure, there are some pretty mysterious things in Japanese supermarkets, so I admit that is also a valid question.



So I'm going to introduce a new "Arbitrary Cooking" series. When I cook, I'm too lazy to look at recipes or anything so I'm always haphazardly throwing things together and frying them up. So if I had to say what kind of dish it is, all I can say is it's an arbitrary dish. It has no name.



Today's dish was Arbitrary Ramen.


I read the back of an instant ramen package and saw it called for 2 cups of water. So I boiled my arbitrary vegetables in 2 cups of water. I pick my vegetables randomly when I buy them, too, so today's vegetables were: 1.) asparagus, 2.) carrots, 3.) spinach and 4.) green onions. Then I put in the noodles, and when it got soft-ish, I added the soup, and that was it.


When it was done, I thought, "...Hm, let's add some cheese," cut some up, and carelessly tossed it in.



これからも楽しみにして下さい ♪

It wasn't bad. As long as I'm making a series out of it, might as well introduce a taste-score system. I'll make it out of 5 stars. Today's is 3.5/5.

It seemed healthier than just normal instant ramen, and that's pretty much my aim when I'm cooking arbitrarily. Well that's all for today's "I have no idea what I'm doing" dish.

Look forward to more cooking in the future ♪


竜巻避難訓練 Tornado Drill

2012-03-01 | 人生


Last month, the prefectural office conducted its regular fire drill. America also performs the same kind of fire drill as Japan (especially in schools), but there is one disaster drill that I noticed is different.



In America, there is a region called the “Tornado Belt” because of its high occurance of tornados. This is because wind flows very freely around the flatlands in the central region. My hometown in Wisconsin is in this region, so when I was in elementary school, every year my school would perform a tornado drill in early spring in order to prepare for the spring tornado season.

In Japan, schools perform earthquake drills. In America, earthquakes are only common in California, where there are public earthquake drills staged by the Southern California Earthquake Center instead of schools. So while there are no earthquake drills in schools, schools in the “Tornado Belt” perform a tornado drill once a year to teach children how to stay safe during a tornado.



The windows are the most dangerous place, so the students and teachers retreat to the innermost area of the school. Usually, this is the hallway. So students face the wall and shelter their heads while they wait for the storm to pass. This is similar to Japanese earthquake drills, but the important part is to be away from the windows.



When at home, the safest place is the basement, or the innermost room if the house has no basement. Some homes and farms (farms are common in the midwest) have a “storm cellar”, which is built close enough to the house to quickly go outside and run into, but not too close that the house would collapse on the cellar door and pin it shut. Modern storm cellars are easy to install because there are pre-made “capsules” that can be buried into the ground. I have never met someone who has a storm cellar, but whether a family has one or not is usually a question of if they are people who prepare for disasters or not.