English for apes

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follow instruction to the letter

2023-06-02 20:48:56 | Reading - not classified
riptideという語がではじめましたが。結局、自然の事故なのか??wild speculationだらけ。

Bournemouth beach tragedy: Everything we know so far


A number of people already in the water got into difficulty
a number of people

Members of the public leapt into action in a bid to help the people in difficulty, while emergency services launched a major, multi-agency response
members of the public / leap into action
leap - leapt - leapt アメリカ英語だとleapedみたいです。って前も書いた記憶があるような。

A top doctor who happened to be on the beach and helped try to resuscitate the 12-year-old girl who later died wrote on LinkedIn:

These young lifeguards did everything asked of them, they didn’t panic, there was no hysteria, they were exceptional and they followed instruction to the letter whilst taking their own initiative.”
ああーいい表現だらけ。ask of / follow instruction to the letter

事件・犯罪英語 試験には出ない

謎なニュースと言えば。Phillip Schofieldの話もわからない。不倫しただけでしょ??ただのタレントでしょ??

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