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A Party In Meltdown

2023-10-29 11:39:23 | Listening
Farageも出てくるTory Conferenceのまとめビデオ。

Behind The Scenes At Tory Conference: A Party In Meltdown

Conservative Party Conference always a pleasure never a chore. Now this is probably the last conference before the next general election which if honest this a lot of likely leads pretty badly as things stand are they resigned to that what do they think they've achieved in the last 13 years. Do they think the country is really better off? And culture wars the veering off to the right is that basically The future of this party basically are in the know in the potentially dying days of a conservative government where the hell this a lot of heading and what does it mean for the rest of us.

indenture Farageの発言で、意味がわからなかった単語。意味を知れば文脈的にそうだよねという感じですが。キーワードがわからないとリスニングに弱気になる。

I’m not prepared to say. I refuse to say. I think most people understand what I’m referring to.
I don’t wish to be drawn on the subject. I don’t think it’s helpful to point the finger.

Enoch PowellとRivers of bloodが気になったところ。Wikiを見て納得。なんとなく推測はできたけど背景がわからなかった。教養。
Enoch Powell is obviously a very divisive figure. Personally what I think of him is a lot of stuff he was saying although very divisive at the time has come to pass.
[Owen]What? rivers of blood?
Not yet. No but massive demographic replacement in some of our bigger cities has occurred
But his prediction was that would cause rivers of blood like the river Tyber the streets of Britain would be rivers of blood would be ahead that never happened

No I didn’t say that happened there what I said is some world?? he came true so I do think he was right on some things in that sense some cities are no longer diverse they are no longer diverse in the sense that there isn’t a mix of cultures where it’s now completely replaced by one culture over another like where a lot of boroughs of London where the white working classes have been moved out in exchange for a lot of people from other…

A lot of councils in Central London now in some of those boroughs have been completely demographically changed to a completely alien culture to what it would be 50 years ago.
I mean that’s a very alien culture to what it was then isn’t it.
Alien as in unfamiliar.
I’m saying it’s to the culture of they are to the beliefs and belief structures of the area to the institution that once were there being replaced by new institutions now and new beliefs new ideologies new cultures new religions

I’m not saying it’s good or bad. It’s neither here nor there. Diversity is not inherently good it’s not inherently bad that’s not my point.
Why does a mix of cultures and world views provide something good necessarily?
But why let’s say there’s some archetypal brilliant world view the best possible world view right?
Would you then say oh let’s make it more diverse and mix it with other world views? No. It’s a tough issue tough question to answer really

Suella Bravermanめちゃくちゃキモかったでした。髪の毛巻き巻きで、極右ポピュリスト発言を頑張ってましたが、見た目が移民ルーツなので超違和感。

最後のAndrew Marrの締めがよくまとまってましたー。さすがseasoned political commentator
Conservatives were always a power party I think not ideological party in many ways
If you ask yourself now what is the conservative philosophy it’s really no answer to that
As it were civic conservatism under Theresa May
We’ve had ego-driven populism under Boris Jonson
We’ve had patrician socially liberal but austerity-driven conservative under Cameron and Osborne
And we had the Truss explosion
And we’ve got Rishi Sunak as a kind of tech bro accountancy conservatism
Put all together there isn’t a single coherent philosophical thread running through it which makes it very hard because if you go into the country and say have another five years of us I think the country looks at the conservatives at the moment say five years of what exactly

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