English for apes

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I'm back to the blog

2024-04-12 20:46:01 | Nonsense
Hello. I'm back. I've been too busy and too lazy to update the blog.
I've been busy at work and busy with socialising. Moreover, I've increased regular exercises more than the weekly workout with a personal trainer.
On the flip side of the busy days, I've been lazy at the same time. As a matter of fact, I'd started reading Japanese articles, I mean gossips.
I heard that Morinaga Takuro san had got cancer. I was surprised and I searched his articles in Japanese, because there were no English articles about him. I thought I only read articles about him, but having said that, I couldn't restrain myself from reading another articles in Japanese. I read some gossips such as Takarazuka. I had no idea about the theatre company but a neighbourhood girl had been preparing for the entrance exam very hard, so I had wanted to know about it. What is more, I'd even started reading a Manga serial Investor Z. I'd been looking forward to the twice a week serials. Eventually I realised that reading news and gossips in Japanese was waste of life. I stopped reading them, but Investor Z by Takai san and Morinaga san's Golden Radio YouTube. They are the exceptions. I'd like to know about investment. I can access to many financial articles in English, but I need explainers for NISA and Japanese tax exemption scheme.
I will be busier for upcoming Golden Week, but I'm going to continue the blog.

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