Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 7/13)

2024-07-13 20:23:49 | Translation



>"【話題】『お前が代表を務める政治団体「石丸伸二後援会」の所在地は実家、会計責任者は母親だ メディアの取材を受けて当然だろ…』"

> 高市早苗氏が独占激白、安倍元首相の三回忌に誓う

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 7/13)


> 泡沫候補と見ていた相手に 37万票差をつけられ、現職とは倍以上の大差だった左翼。
> 投票率6割を超えれば立ち打ちできない。
> だが自民党自体の左傾化で国政選6連勝の岩盤支持層 "保守・現実派"は愛想を尽かして自民から離れた。
> 取り戻せる唯一の候補が高市早苗氏である事に自民議員達はいつ気づくのだろうか

The leftist camp, which lost to the opponent they saw as a "frivolous candidate" by 370,000 votes, and suffered crushing defeat against the sitting governor by more than double votes.
If the turnout rate is over 60%, they can't battle effectively.
However, due to the leftward shift of the LDP itself, the "conservatives & pragmatists," the core supporters who were the driving force behind the party's six consecutive victories in national elections, have lost patience and turned their backs to it.
When will the LDP lawmakers realize that the only candidate who can win them back is Takaichi Sanae?



> 媚中マスコミが支配する中 "正義のミカタ"では、ほんこんさんが「メディアはもうあかん。テレビは忖度しすぎ。Xやったら高市早苗さんの人気が凄い」と言えば、藤井聡氏は「積極財政で、しかも SNSにおける支持も高市さんがダントツ」
> 高橋洋一氏も「高市さんはそういう潜在力がある。麻生さんが気づけば絶対高市さんに」と。
> ご尤も

In the situation that pro-China mass media outlest are dominant, in a "Seigino-mikata" program, Hongkong said that "The media is no longer good. TV programs pay consideration too much. When it comes to X (* formerly Twitter), Sanae Takaichi's popularity is remarkable," and Satoshi Fujii also said that "Takaichi has a proactive fiscal policy, in addition support to her on social media is by far the most."
Yoichi Takahashi also said that "Takaichi has such kind of potential. If Aso realizes that, he will select her absolutely."
They have a point.


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