Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 6/27)

2024-06-27 21:54:41 | Translation

Ref.>"【話題】都知事選出馬中の石丸伸二候補を YouTubeで取り上げると5~10万円もらえるお仕事が見つかる…"



>"立憲議員「蓮舫さんは『違う意見』を聞いたら 『反対する方の意見もできるだけ取り入れられないか考えよう』とする人です!」→ ツッコミ殺到…"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/27)


> 憲法は「両性の合意」に基づくと言っているのだから、憲法違反は蓮舫氏だろうに。
The Constitution stipulates that "Marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes." It's therefore Renho, who violates the Constitution.



> 蓮舫さんがまた思いつきで適当な内容。
> 水道代が払えない人くらい貧窮している方は生活保護を受けるべきで、問題が違う。
> 水道料金の未払いを郵便に変えたことをここまで悪様に言うのは職員はいくらこきつかっても良いという前提。
> 水道を止めるのは最後の最後、督促から止められるまで相当期間をとっている。

Renho once again arugues an irresponsible matter based on a whim.
Persons, who are so poor that they can't even pay their water bills, should be on welfare, it's therefore a different problem.
The reason why she criticizes the change to send unpaid water bills by postal mail is based on the assumption that it's possible to make employees work as hard as she wants.
Cutting off the water is the very last measure to be taken. It takes a considerable amount of time from the reminder to the actual cutting off of the water.



> ネット対策もほどほどにしないとかえって反発を生む。
> 維新も快進撃からブレーキがかかった時も、批判者を大勢で叩き潰すがごとくわいてきた「維新ジャー」の存在が大きかった。

When it comes to counter-measures to the internet, if it's not moderate, it can only create a backlash.
When Japan Restoration Party's rapid advance started to slow, this was also largely due to the presence of "fanatic Ishin supporters," who emerged in large numbers to crush critics.


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