Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:「国は朝鮮人名簿の公開を」 佐渡と浮島丸、市民団体が要請

2024-07-06 23:22:51 | Translation


>"【韓国】家計債務 2246兆ウォン、過去10年間の増加幅は先進国トップ"

>"【韓国】半導体メーカー会長、ガラス基板技術お披露目で「パキッ」… 株価急落"


>【日本の窮状】朝鮮人の特徴 凶悪犯罪者も通名で報道

Translation; "The central government should disclose the Korean-Japanese name-lists" about the Sado mine and Ukishima-maru = a civic organization requested so

>"「国は朝鮮人名簿の公開を」 佐渡と浮島丸、市民団体が要請"

> 戦後補償問題に取り組む市民団体「強制動員真相究明ネットワーク」(神戸市)は5日、新潟県の佐渡鉱山に戦時動員された朝鮮人の名簿と、終戦直後に京都府の舞鶴港で沈没した旧日本海軍の輸送船「浮島丸」の朝鮮人乗客名簿を公開し、韓国政府にも提供するよう求める要請書を日本政府に郵送した。
On July 5, a civic organization tackling with post-WW2 compensation issue, "Network for Research on Forced Labor Mobilization," mailed a written request to Tokyo to disclose a name-list of Korean Peninsula native workers who were on war mobilized to the Sado mine in Niigata Pref. and a name list of Korean-Japanese passenger-list of "Ukishima-maru," a transport ship of the former Japanese Navy that sank in Maizuru Port, Kyoto Pref., shortly after the end of the war, and provide them to Seoul too.

> 日本政府は1990年代初頭、韓国政府の要請を受け、動員した軍人軍属や労働者などの名簿を提供した。
> その後、新たに存在が分かった名簿も提供すべきだと要請した。
> 要請書は、新潟県立文書館が三菱鉱業佐渡鉱山の「半島労務者名簿」を所蔵しているのに存在を隠していると批判。
> 政府による収集を求めた。

In the early 1990s, in response to a request by Seoul, Tokyo provided lists of mobilized troops, civilian employees and workers.
It requested (Tokyo) to should offer name-lists (to Seoul), whose existence were clarified since then.
The written request criticized the Niigata Prefectural Archives for concealing the existence of a "Peninsula native laborer List" of Mitsubishi Mining's Sado Mine, even though it has conserved the a list.
It called for the government to collect the lists.

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