Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 7/11)

2024-07-11 22:49:58 | Translation


>"【動画】石丸伸二氏「女子供に容赦するていうのは優しさじゃない」「優しく言ってあげればよかったのかな、(頭を)ポンポンってやってあげる感じ?」→ 炎上"


>'三権分立完全無視… "裁判に敗けたなら非を認め謝罪すべき。政治家は皆そうしてきた"と諭す立花孝志氏のド正論にさえ『自分には非がない』を貫く石丸伸二さん…'

> 石丸伸二、会話があまりにヤバすぎて石丸構文まで爆誕!都知事選後に好感度ダダ下がりw

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 7/11)


> その通りですね。
> 27歳の女性を馬鹿にするなら、彼女から見たら「女子供」なんて言っている 40代のおっさんは「老害」ですわ。

You have a point.
If the male in his 40s makes fun of the 27-year-old female and saying "females and childred," he is "problems caused by aging" from her perspective.



> こういう人たちだから、石丸さんがよく見えるんだろう。
> 勝訴した印刷会社にはお気の毒に。

They are the ones with such characters, that Ishimaru looks good for them.
I feel sorry for the printing company that won the lawsuit.



> また始まった。
> 市のホームページ見たけど、石丸市政では債務の付け替えをしたのを除けば、全体の財政状況は大して変わってないじゃん。

It's started again.
I watched the city's website, and aside from the debt reassignment under Ishimaru's administration, the overall financial situation hasn't changed much.



> 石丸氏が、テレビインタビューでの元乃木坂46の山崎怜奈さん(27)とのやり取りについて、「女、子どもに容赦をするっていうのは優しさじゃないと思っているから」と述べて物議。
> なるほどね。
> 今時珍しいくらい人を見下すんだな。

In a TV interview, Ishimaru caused controversy by saying that "As I don't think that being merciful to females and children is a sign of kindness," about his exchanges with former Nogizaka46 member Reina Yamazaki (27).
I see.
In a rare degree these days, he looks down on others.

>"石丸伸二氏「女子供に容赦を」発言で SNS物議、「耳を疑う」「完全に見下してる」"


> 国民民主党の榛葉幹事長が石丸伸二氏の報道対応に「ちょっと怖かった。引く人もいるのではないか。政治家になるなら包み込む温かさと柔らかさも必要だ」、広島1区への立候補の言及に「違和感があった。どういう政治姿勢で、何を目標にしているのか」と苦言。
DPfP Secretary General Shinba criticized Shinji Ishimaru's responses to the press, saying that "It was a little bit scary. I think some persons might withdraw. In order to be a politician, embracing warmth and gentleness are also necessary," anc complained to his mention of running in Hiroshima's 1st district, saying that "I felt something was off. What kind of political stance is he taking, and what is his goal?"

>"国民民主・榛葉賀津也幹事長、石丸伸二氏の対応に苦言 「ちょっと怖かった」"

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