Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:中国、カナダの調査は「うそ」 総選挙に介入と報告書

2024-05-07 06:40:04 | Translation



>"Macron puts trade and Ukraine as top priorities as China's Xi opens European visit in France"

>'Foreign meddling didn't affect who formed government in past 2 elections, but inquiry flags 'troubling' events'


Translation; "A lie," China expressed so to an investigation by Canada, which issued a report saying that it interfered in the general elections

>"中国、カナダの調査は「うそ」 総選挙に介入と報告書"

> 中国外務省の林剣副報道局長は6日の記者会見で、カナダ政府の調査委員会が公表した過去の総選挙で中国の介入があったとする報告書について「完全にでたらめだ」と反発した。

Concerning the report issued by an investigative commission of Ottawa (* the Commissioner of Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions of Canada), which states that interferences by China in the past general elections were taken place, at a press briefing on May 6, Deputy Director General of the Department of Press, Communication and Public Diplomacy Lin Jian (* spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry), was displeased, saying that >'The so-called "China's foreign interference" is nothing but a lie to serve political purposes.'
He expressed and revealed that >'China strongly deplores and opposes this so-called "Initial Report." We reject its groundless accusations and vilification, and have lodged serious protests to Canada.'

> 調査委は3日、2019年と 21年の総選挙で外国からの介入があったとする報告書を公表。
> 中国が「最も執拗で脅威」だったと結論付けた。
> 林氏は「中国がこれまでカナダへの内政干渉に関心を持ったことはない」と主張。
> 介入したとする証拠も示されておらず「極めて無責任だ」と批判し、「カナダ側には事実と向き合うことを促す」と訴えた。

On May 3, the investigative commission released the report, which stated that foreign interferences were done in the 2019 and 2021 general elections.
It concluded that China was the "most persistent and threatening."
Lin Jian argued that >"China has never and will never have any interest in interfering in Canada's internal affairs."
He criticized that >'It says its arguments are mainly supported by "intelligence," but adds that "intelligence is not proven fact" and provides no real evidence. (...) This is extremely irresponsible' and claimed that >"China urges Canada to respect and face up to the facts."

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