Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 9/6)

2024-09-06 21:39:25 | Translation





> 巨人師匠も高市推し‼ 積極財政は高市・青山のみ‼ / 日本の領空・領海を犯す中国 高市大臣が痛烈に批判 日本を護るためには自衛隊法改正も…【マンデーバスターズ】349 Vol.1 / 20240902

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 9/6)


> 小泉進次郎氏も出馬表明。
> バックはご存じ菅義偉氏。
> 永田町では早くも "進次郎"ではなく "菅次郎"などと呼称されている。
> 二階派の武田良太氏や森山派など背後には思惑一杯の政治家がずらり。
>"菅さんは副総理になるのか" "武田さんは何大臣?"など旧来の自民党が前面に出てくるだろう。
> 小泉氏は果たして国の舵取りができるのか。
> 本日 21時から言論テレビでじっくり話をさせて頂く

Shinjiro Koizumi has also announced his candidacy.
As you know, he is backed by Suga Yoshihide.
In Nagatacho, he is already being referred to such as "Suga-Jiro" rather than "Shinjiro."
Behind him are a number of politicians with their own motives, such as Takeda Ryota of the Nikai faction and the Moriyama faction.
The traditional LDP will likely come to the forefront, such as "Will Suga become deputy prime minister?" & "What minister will Takeda be?"
Will Koizumi really be able to steer the country?!
I will be speaking at length on Genron TV from 9pm today.



> 小泉進次郎氏が会見で選択的夫婦別姓導入など3つの改革について「1年以内に実現する」と明言。
> 小泉氏が "ファミリーネーム喪失法"である選択的夫婦別姓導入を明言した事は正直残念。
> 夫婦別姓とは "親子別姓"であり、同時に "兄弟姉妹別姓"である。
> 更にその子(孫)の姓は…と、要するに "氏"を消し去るもの。
> 先祖代々の墓もアッという間に消える。
>"選択制だから"といっても、これが戸籍破壊の "突破口"である事は自明。
> 自民党員が果たして日本の伝統と家族を守るか否か、息を呑む

At a press conference, Shinjiro Koizumi clearly stated that three reforms, including the introduction of optional separate surnames for married couples, would be "realized within a year."
Honestly speaking, it's disappointing that Koizumi stated that he would introduce optional separate surnames for married couples, which is a "family name loss law."
Separate surnames for married couples means "separate surnames for parents and children" and at the same time "separate surnames for brothers and sisters."
Furthermore, the surnames of their children (grandchildren) will be... in short, it will erase "family names."
Ancestral graves will also disappear instantly.
Even though it is "optional," it's self-evident that this is a "breakthrough" to destroying family registers.
[Koizumi vs. Takaichi] will be a battle of whether to destroy or protect Japan.
I hold our breath as to whether or not LDP members will actually protect Japan's traditions and families.

>"小泉進次郎氏「1年でやる」 三つの改革を明言 総裁選出馬表明"


>「本当にこのように考える方は夫婦別姓なんか推せるわけがありません。夫婦別姓は "子供ごときなんかより自分のわがままが大事"の体現化だから」と。
> 流石。
> 夫婦別姓は親子別姓であり、兄弟姉妹別姓。
> 日本の戸籍制度を破壊する政治家の正体を一発で見破った

To Shinjiro Koizumi, who said that "I care more about my children than myself. My children's future is more important than my own life," Andrii Igorovich Nazarenko fired a fierce jolt.
'Someone, who really thinks in such way, can't support separate surnames for married couples. The reason why is that separate surnames for married couples is the embodiment of the idea that "my own selfishness is more important than my children,"' he X-posted.
Separate surnames for married couples means "separate surnames for parents and children" & "separate surnames for brothers and sisters."
He immediately uncovered the true nature of the politician, who will destroy Japan's family registry system.



> 永田町に衝撃の日テレ "党員"調査。
> 過去にも実際の獲得党員票をほぼ当てているだけに "序盤戦の数字"として党内で話題。
> 1位は議員票が弱い石破茂氏だけに決戦投票はやはり党員票拮抗の「小泉進次郎氏と高市早苗氏」との見方が強い。
> だが日本が危急存亡の今、習近平やトランプと渡り合う国家の領袖に "経験と識見に難がある"43歳を選ぶ人がいるのだろう

The Nippon Television's survey targeting LDP members, which is a jolt to Nagatacho.
In the past, the surveies were close to accurate in terms of the number of party member votes actually casted, it therefore becomes an intra-party topic as an "early-stage numbers."
In 1st place is Shigeru Ishiba, who is weak in lawmakers' votes. Therefore the prevailing view is that the runoff vote will be "Shinjiro Koizumi vs Takaichi Sanae," who are closely matched in terms of party member votes.
However, in the situaton that Japan is now facing a life-or-death crisis, are there anyone who will choose a 43-year-old who "lacks experience and insight" to be a national leader to deal with Xi Jinping and D. Trump?!

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