Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/4)

2024-05-04 23:25:24 | Translation


>"【動画】名古屋入管局長「本当に困って、あるいは政治的迫害を受けてという難民は、ほとんどありません」 難民申請をしたベトナム人「自分で難民とは思いません。仕事したいです」 インドネシア人「観光ビザできて難民申請しました」"

>【右向け右】第520回 - 矢野将史・夕刊フジ編集長 × 花田紀凱(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/4)


>"あ行"から出てくる世論調査の候補者名のお陰で、いつも上位に名を連ねる石破茂氏と "か行"の人達。
> しかし実際の人気は "?"で「島根1区で自分もあれだけ入れ込んで応援したのに負ければ他人事。もはや "現役政治評論家"。後ろから鉄砲玉を撃つとの評価は今も変わらない」と党内の声。
> 石破氏を担ごうとした菅義偉前首相も周辺に「(党内で)人気ないんだなぁ」と漏らしているとか。
> 総裁選は混沌

Thanks to the names of candidates in public opinion surveys, which is kickedd off from "A-line," "Shigeru Ishiba" and "Ka-line" always take top places.
However, the actual popularity is "?." An intra-party voice is that "Even in the Shimane Constituency 1st, even though he put so much effort into cheering, but after the defeat, it's someone else's fault for him. He is already an "active political commentator." There are no changes in his reputation as a person who shoots bullets from behind."
Former PM Yoshihide Suga, who attempted to make Ishiba as a LDP presidential candidate, allegedly says to the ones around him that "(Ishiba) has no (intra-partyh) popularity."
Presidential election is chaotic.

>"「党内で人気がないんだなぁ」菅義偉がポツリと漏らした石破茂「世論No.1でも総理・総裁 NG」なダメっぷり"


> 検定合格した竹田恒泰氏の中学歴史教科書が「日本軍が朝鮮の女性を強制連行した事実はない」等としている事に韓国の野党議員らが「被害者の証言を完全否定」「日本は積極的な歴史歪曲に至った」と抗議集会。
> だが「強制連行の事実があるなら教えて頂きたい」と竹田氏。
> 言えば言うだけ墓穴を掘る韓国

S. Korean opposition party lawmaker and so on held a protest-rally against the junior high school history textbook by Tsuneyasu Takeda -- which passed the textbook screening and states that "There are no facts that the Japanese forces forcefully took Korean females away" -- saying that "It completely denies the testimonies by the victims" & "Japan has reached the point of actively distorting history."
However, Takeda X-posted that "If there is any evidence of forceful taking away, please teach me."
The more it says, the more S. Korea digs its own grave.



> 中国で流れている日本への移民斡旋 CMを多くの方に見てほしい
> …最後に「それでも日本に行かないの?」と。
> 移民大国化を図る首相と媚中議員を一掃しなければ日本の未来は悲惨

I want many people to view the commercial for immigration to Japan that is circulated in China.
1) If you move to Japan, you don't need to work.
2) All childbirth expenses and child rearing expenses are paid from Japanese taxes.
3) You can use the medical system at a low price
... Finally, it says that "Nevertheless, why don't you go to Japan?"
Japan's future will be dire unless it wipes out the prime minister and pro-China politicians, who have been attempting to make Japan a immigration powerhouse.



> 滝沢三郎・東洋英和女学院大名誉教授の現地調査によるクルド人に関する学会発表は衝撃的。
> だが現時点で取り上げたのは産経のみ。
> 国民の生命・財産を守る国会議員ならすぐに国会マターにしてくれる筈だが、飯山あかり氏を国会に送り込めなかった辛さがそこにある。
> 日本を守る為に投票には行ってほしい…

The presentation at the conference on the Kurdish persons based on field research by Prof. emeritus Saburo Takizawa at Toyo Eiwa Jogakuin was shocking.
However, up until now, only the Sankei Shimbun reported that.
I'm sure that national lawmakers, who protect the lives and property of the nationals, would immediately make this as a Diet-matter, and it's pain of not being able to send Akari Iiyama to the Diet.
I want you to at least to go to vote to protect Japan...



> 元国連難民高等弁務官事務所駐日代表の滝沢三郎・東洋英和女学院大名誉教授の現地調査でトルコの少数民族クルド人の密航を手引きする違法ネットワークが確立されている事が判明。
> 査証が免除され渡航費用が安い日本がクルド人の流入先になっている事も明らかに。
> 滝沢氏が学会で発表した内容に基づき、国会は早急に対策を

It turned out by field survey by Prof. emeritus Saburo Takizawa at Toyo Eiwa Jogakuin, who is former head of the Japan branch of the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), that an illegal network to guide the smuggling of Turkey's minority Kurds has been established.
It turned out too that Japan, where visas are waived and travel costs are low, has become a destination for Kurds to immigrate.
Based on what Prof. emeritus Takizawa presented at an academic conference, the Diet should take immediate measures.

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