Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:[チャンネル正論]. 月刊「正論」8月号読みどころ

2024-06-29 22:38:28 | Translation

Ref.>"岸田首相、在職1000日突破 戦後8人目"

>'国民民主・玉木代表 "実弟"に投資詐欺疑惑! 事が公になれば雄一郎氏は代表辞任か…'


> 岸田首相、派閥頼みで延命 自民党内に困惑広がる

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. Highlights of the August issue of the monthly magazine "Seiron"

>"[チャンネル正論]. 月刊「正論」8月号読みどころ"

> 7月1日発売の正論8月号の読みどころを紹介する。
> また、産経新聞編集委員兼論説委員、阿比留瑠比氏の本誌連載で取り上げた安倍晋三元首相の言葉や岸田文雄首相の憲法改正に対する思いなどについて、阿比留氏とともに正論発行人の有元隆志と正論編集長の田北真樹子が語る。

Featuring the highlights of the August issue of the monthly magazine "Seiron" released on July 1.
In addition, concerning words of former PM Shinzo Abe and an intention of PM Fujio Kishida for amendment of the Constitution, which were picked up in a series of Rui Abiru, the editor and a member of the editorial board of The Sankei Shimbun, contributed to this magazine, along with Abiru, Takashi Arimoto, the publisher of the Monthly Magazine Seiron, and Makiko Takita, chief editor of the Seiron (literally, just argument) talk in the following footage.

> 月刊「正論」8月号読みどころ

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