Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


過去最多である18機の中国の爆撃機が、台湾の ADIZに突入した

2022-12-17 03:19:53 | Translation

Ref.>"尖閣周辺に中国船4隻 43日連続航行"





↓(See detail of this article)、夕刊フジの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Evening Newspaper Fuji)

Translation; Maybe, Beijing applied military pressure in response to visit to Taiwan by chairperson of the LDP Policy Research Council Koichi Hagiuda = a record 18 Chinese bombers intruded into the Taiwanese ADIZ

>"中国の爆撃機、台湾の防空識別圏に突入 過去最多18機 萩生田氏の訪台に軍事的威圧か"

> 中国は今週初め、台湾や日本への軍事的威圧を強めた。
> 核搭載可能な中国空軍の「H6」爆撃機が12~13日、台湾の防空識別圏(ADIZ)に18機も進入したうえ、中国海軍艦艇が12~14日、長崎県から沖縄県の周辺を航行したのだ。
> 自民党の萩生田光一政調会長の訪台時期(10~12日)に合わせるような動きに、「台湾有事」「日本有事」の緊張感が高まっている。

China stepped up its military threatening against Taiwan and Japan a the beginning of this week.
On Dec. 12 to 13, 18 nuclear-capable Chinese Air Forces' "H6" bombers entered Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). In addition to that, on Dec. 12 to 14, Chinese naval vessels sailed from Nagasaki Pref. to around Okinawa Pref.
Tensions over "Taiwanese contingency" & "Japanese contingency" are increasing due to the moves as if matching chairperson of the LDP Policy Research Council Koichi Hagiuda's visit to Taiwan (Dec. 10 to 12).

> 台湾国防部の発表によると、中国軍機 21機が12日午前から13日午前までの 24時間に、台湾南西部の ADIZに進入した。
> CNNによると、H6爆撃機18機が含まれており、台湾政府が 2020年に中国軍機の進入データを公表して以来、最多という。
> 日本周辺海域でも12~14日にかけて、中国海軍のミサイル駆逐艦や情報収集艦、補給艦など4隻の航行が確認された。
> 防衛省統合幕僚監部が14日、発表した。

According to a released by Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense, 21 Chinese military aircraft entered the ADIZ in southwestern Taiwan during the 24-hour period from the morning on Dec. 12 to the morning on the 13th.
It included 18 H6 bombers, according to CNN -- the highest number since the Taiwanese government released his 2020 entry data for Chinese military aircraft.
Four Chinese naval vessels were also confirmed to be sailing in the waters around Japan from Dec. 12 to 14 -- (two) missile destroyers, an intelligence-gathering ship and a replenishment ship.
On Dec. 14, the Joint Staff Office of the Ministry of Defense released so.

> 情報収集艦1隻は12日午後8時ごろ、鹿児島県の口永良部島の西約140キロを南東に移動し、南下した。
> その後、沖縄本島と宮古島の間を通過した。
> ミサイル駆逐艦2隻と補給艦1隻は13日午後10時ごろ、長崎県の男女群島の西約 90キロを南東に進み、大隅海峡方向へ移動し、太平洋に出た。

The one Chinese PLA naval intelligence-gathering ship was sailing southeastward in the waters about 140 km west of Kuchinoerabu Island (Kagoshima Pref.) at around 8:00 pm on Dec. 12.
Afterward, it transited between the Okinawa main-island and Miyako Island.
At around 10:00 pm on Dec. 13, two missile destroyers and one replenishment ship were sailed southeastward in the waters about 90 km west of the Danjo islands (Nagasaki Pref.), moved to the Osumi Strait direction, and passed into the Pacific Ocean.

> 中国軍の活動は、萩生田氏が10~12日に台湾を訪問した時期に重なる。
> 萩生田氏は10日、蔡英文総統と会談し、「台湾は自由、民主主義、基本的人権、法の支配といった基本的価値を共有し、緊密な経済関係と人的往来を持つ極めて重要なパートナーだ」と伝えた。

The activities by the Chinese forces coincided with Hagiuda's visit to Taiwan from Dec. 10 to 12.
Hagiuda held a meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen on Dec. 10 and said conveyed that "Taiwan is an extremely important partner sharing fundamental values such as freedom, democracy, basic human rights, and the rule of law, and having close economic ties and people-to-people exchanges."

> これに対し、在日本中国大使館は12日、萩生田氏の訪台に「強烈な不満と断固たる反対」を表明する報道官談話を発表。
> 岸田文雄政権は反発しないのか。

In response to that, on Dec. 12, the Chinese embassy in Japan issued a spokesperson statement expressing "strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition" to the visit to Taiwan by Hagiuda.
It expressed that "we urge the Japan side to immediately suspend all official travel to and from Taiwan."
Isn't the Fumio Kishida administration displeased by that?

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