Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:総務相「選挙運動に品位を」 都知事選を巡り苦言

2024-07-06 09:50:16 | Translation


>"蓮舫氏「現役世代は、結婚して子どもが生まれれば控除がどんどん増えていく!」→ X民「その『年少扶養控除』は民主党政権が廃止しました」"

> 河合ゆうすけ候補の「外国人への生活保護支給反対」の選挙ポスターが毀棄される話題

Translation; "Election campaign with dignity" = MIC Minister Takeaki Matsumoto complained over the Tokyo gubernatorial election

>"総務相「選挙運動に品位を」 都知事選を巡り苦言"

> 松本剛明総務相は5日の記者会見で、東京都知事選で同一のポスターが大量に張られたり、一部候補の政見放送に奇抜な内容が含まれたりしていることを受け「従来の考え方から全く懸け離れた事態が起きている」と苦言を呈した。
> 選挙運動には良識が必要で、品位を損ねてはならないとも強調した。

In response that identical posters were posted in large numbers, some candidates' campaign broadcasts included unusual content, etc., in the Tokyo gubernatorial election, at a press briefing on July 5, MIC Minister Takeaki Matsumoto complained that "Things completely different from conventional way of thinking are happening."
He also emphasized that election campaigns required common sense and must not compromise dignity.

> 一連の問題を巡り「立候補者の政見の情報提供が阻害され、有権者が本来必要としている情報にたどり着けない恐れがあるとの指摘がある」とも述べた。
> 与野党から対応を求める声が相次いでいることに関し「危機感を持って意見が示されている」とし、今後の議論を注視する考えを示した。

Over the series of issues, he also said that "It's pointed out that this may hinder information-provision about candidates' political views, and risks that voters are impossible to access the information they actually need."
In response to the successive calls for action from both the ruling and opposition parties, he indicated his intention to keep a close eye on future talks, saying that "Opinions are shown with a sense of crisis."

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翻訳:中露艦艇4隻が共同航行、大隅海峡から太平洋へ 防衛省 公表は昨年に続き4回目

2024-07-06 07:58:10 | Translation

Ref.>"中国及びロシア海軍艦艇の動向について "

>"中国でアニメ・漫画ブーム 待望される「国産ヒーロー」"

>"中国、日本の大陸棚・四国海盆海域にブイ設置 太平洋では異例 ⇒ ネットの反応「最初の尖閣のブイの時に毅然とした対応をしないからこうなるんだよ」「そのうち日本列島の周辺が中国のブイだせけになるぜ?」"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; The 4th release by the MoD following last year = joint sailing by totally for Chinese and Russian naval vessels from Osumi Strait into the Pacific Ocean

>"中露艦艇4隻が共同航行、大隅海峡から太平洋へ 防衛省 公表は昨年に続き4回目"

> 防衛省統合幕僚監部は5日、中国とロシアの海軍艦艇計4隻が4日から5日にかけ、鹿児島県沖の大隅海峡を太平洋に向けて共同航行するのを確認したと発表した。
> 防衛省によると、中露艦艇による日本周辺の共同航行を確認、公表するのは昨年に続き4回目。

On July 5, the Joint Staff Office of the MoD released that totally four Chinese and Russian naval vessels were spotted sailing jointly through the Osumi Strait off the coast of Kagoshima Prefecture toward the Pacific Ocean from July 4 to 5.
According to the MoD, this is the 4th time, following last year, that the joint sailing by the Chinese and Russian naval vessels around Japan was confirmed & released.

> 4隻は中国のフリゲート艦とミサイル駆逐艦各1隻、ロシアのフリゲート艦と補給艦各1隻。
> 防衛省は「中露の軍事動向を引き続き注視し、警戒監視活動に万全を期す」としている。

The four vessels are one each of a Chinese frigate and a missile destroyer, and one each of a Russian frigate and a supply ship.
The MoD stated that it will "continuously and closely monitor military behaviors by China and Russia, and take all possible measures for surveillance and monitoring activities."

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翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 7/5)

2024-07-06 06:06:30 | Translation



>"沖ノ鳥島北方にブイ設置、中国「干渉する権利ない」→ 日本政府は「遺憾砲」で対抗"

>"中国、日本大陸棚にブイ → 日本政府「海洋権益を侵害しないで」→ 中国「津波観測用だ」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 7/5)


> だが中国の利益になる政策ばかり推進する政治家が首相以前に国会議員であること自体が問題ではないのか。
> ファミリー企業の日本端子が中国共産党の庇護の下に今も中国で業務を行っているだけで失格。
> 危うく ASG構想に組み込まれる寸前に発覚した国家電網 "ロゴ"事件をもう忘れたのか

Taro Kono is trending due to his "those sort of men" remark and apology.
However, in the 1st place, isn't it a problem that a politician who only promotes policies to benefit China is a national lawmaker, even more prime minister?
The fact that his family-owned company, "Nippon Tanshi Co., Ltd.," is still operating in China under the protection of the Chinese Communist Party, disqualifies him.
Have you already forgotten about the case of "logo" of the State Grid Corporation of China, which was discovered just before Japan would be involved into the Asian Super Grid (ASG) plan?



> 中国の海洋調査船が四国南方の日本の大陸棚にブイを設置。
> 林官房長官は「遺憾であり、透明性のある説明を行うよう申し入れを行った」と "いつもの"遺憾砲。
> 岸田首相-林官房長官-上川外相の宏池会 "親中 & 遺憾"トリオの内にできるだけ日本侵蝕を進めたい中国。
> 高市早苗氏のような毅然とした政権が「できる前に」との基本方針。
> 尖閣の海上ブイを撤去できなかった以上、予想通り。
> 早く政権から下りてください

A Chinese oceanographic research ship has placed a buoy on Japan's continental shelf south of Shikoku.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi fired off the "usual" regret-gun, saying that "It is regrettable, we have therefore requested that a transparent explanation be provided."
China wants to advance its inroads into Japan as much as possible during the "pro-China & regrettable" the "Kōchikai" trio of PM Kishida, CCS Hayashi and FM Kamikawa.
Its basic policy is to "before" a resolute administration like Sanae Takaichi's will be established.
As it's expected, given that they failed to remove the offshore buoy off the Senkaku Islands.
Please step down from the administration ASAP.

>"【速報】中国が日本の大陸棚にブイ設置 林官房長官「遺憾」説明求める"


> 新疆ウイグル自治区で 2009年、漢人とウイグル人が衝突し多数の死傷者が出たウルムチ騒乱から15年。
> 日本ウイグル協会が都内で追悼集会を開き、L.アフメット会長は「拘束されたウイグル人は行方不明のまま。未だ犠牲者の全容も分らない。ウイグル語教育の廃止やモスク取り壊し等、伝統的な文化環境が失われおりウイグル人の信仰は過去のものになりつつある。関心を持ち続けてほしい」と…
> 絶対に諦めてはならない

It has been 15 years since the "July 2009 urumqi riots" in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, in which Han people and Uighurs clashed and many were killed or injured.
The Japan Uyghur Association (JUA) held a memorial service in Tokyo. JUA Chairman Leitip Ahmet said that "The detained Uighurs have been continuously missing. We still don't know the full extent of the casualties. With the abolition of Uighur language education and the demolition of mosques, the traditional cultural environment is disappearing, and the faith of the Uighurs is becoming a matter in the past. We would like you to be continuously interested in this issue."
They must never give up.



> あれだけ日本企業に中国進出を囃した日経が社説で「中国で改正反スパイ法が施行されて1年。外国人にかつてない緊張を強いている。このままでは中国はふつうにビジネスができる場所でなくなる。習政権は状況の深刻さを認識すべきである」と。
> は?
> 今頃何言ってるの?
> 中国共産党の "本質"を知らないまま中国を囃した日経の責任は?
> ジャーナリズムは "本質を見抜く"のが使命。
> それができない日経がどのツラさげて?
> 責任は "あなた"にあります

Nikkei, which encouraged Japanese companies to advance into China so much, has published an editorial to say that "It has been a year since the revised anti-espionage was enforced in China. It has forced unprecedented strain for foreigners. If it goes as it is, China will no longer be a place where we can do business as normally. The Xi Jinping administration must recognize the seriousness of the situation."
What are you talking about now?
How about responsibility of Nikkei, which praised China without knowing the "true nature" of the Chinese Communist Party?
The mission of journalism is to "see through the true nature."
How can Nikkei do that so shamelessly, which can't do that?
The responsibility lies with "you."


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