「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

ラリー、ヘール、セレタン、選択 (また新しいレスターの自由プログラムへの90日の着手の短いチェック(調査)

2013-05-28 03:27:08 | 参考-話題 (opinion)
ラリー、ヘール、セレタン、選択 (また新しいレスターの自由プログラムへの90日の着手の短いチェック(調査)

LaunchToFreedom_Part1.pdf (全90ページ:2.5MB)
 ダウンロード:[PDF] WEEK 1 - Release Technique (Part1.pdf )

Larry, Hale, Seretan, choices (and a short review of the new Lester's 90 days Launch to Freedom program) - Hootless.Com

Larry, Hale, Seretan, choices (and a short review of the new Lester's 90 days Launch to Freedom program)

Posted by Mário [Hootless Crew] on April 1, 2010 at 3:48am in GENERAL RELEASING

[Hootlessクルー]2010年4月1日午前3時48分にはRELEASING GENERALで午前マリオ·掲示

I just wanted to take this out of the Welcome thread and clarify something for people who don't know the 3 (mostly because lilar asked about it in that thread):
When people say that Larry and Hale changed the method, and Steve wanted to keep it as it was original, I don't think this is completely accurate.
Yes, Steve teaches the original way from Lester, and that is the first way of releasing (Could/Would/When) and the 6 Steps.
Hale and Larry didn't change that, they both also teach the original way in their basic courses. But they added to the original method.
So nobody is missing the original way, it is still there. It is just that they included more stuff that in my opinion improved the original way by providing more choices.
Many people here wrote that the tube/window from Larry made releasing more "out-of-the-head" and "into-the-body".
Many people wrote that they love the 5th Way and vortex from Hale.
I wrote a couple of years ago that I counted about 25 different ways of releasing, and there are more now (my maid through the list in the garbage, so I don't remember them all). And anyone have a choice to remain with only the first way if they want, because that's the first thing everybody learns in both basic courses.

 ここで多くの人々が、ラリーからの「チューブ/ウィンドウ」 (注記:チューブメソッド) がより多くの「アウト·オブ·ヘッド(頭から)」および「ボディに(身体へ)」をリリースしたと書きました。

Now, this is my opinion: thank you both very much for everything that was added (not changed) that were only improvements for me and provided more choices.


Again, the original way from Lester is called "The 6 Steps" and it is known by anyone with the basic course. It was written by Lester himself on the back (or cover, don't remember) of a Ramana Maharshi book. I got into the Kiss list because I was also feeling I wanted the pure method from Lester, feeling that this could be the reason I was stuck, only to find out I had it all the time.

レスターから純粋な方法が欲しいのも感じていたので、私は Kiss list (K.I.S.S. リスト) に入りました。そして、これが私が動けなかった理由でありえたのを感じました。そして、私が常にそれを持ったとわかるだけでした。

Right now I am participating in a 90 Days Launch to Freedom program from Larry, which will take 90 days (duh) and it is all about the 6 Steps.
And the way the course is structured reflects the 6 Steps in my opinion. It is really 90 days, everyday (and homework for the weekends). It is being awesome to have support everyday and a mentor to which to be accountable, Calls everyday to begin the day in the right "state" (which makes your day an "being in the flow" experience), 1 2-hours call every week and 1 monthly group call with your mentor, plus a partner you have to be in touch everyday and...well, you get the idea. Why am I saying that? Because that is step 4 (release continuously), it requires step 1 (you can see it is a big commitment,so you really must want Freedom), and begins every weekday reminding you of steps 2, 3 and 6 (and you have the recordings for the weekend), besides having your mentor to help with step 5 when you need (or the support line for anyone with the Abundance Course during the week). All Lester-friendly.
And we have several teachers in the course, including Larry and Rich, giving many different perspectives and techniques to integrate the 6 Steps, which, I have to say, only helps. If you can't connect with the way one teacher presents it, there are many others to give you a different perspective, a different way to approach releasing. So, in my opinion, having more choice only helps.


One of many gains I am having from this course is that I got my first 6 digits money gain by releasing only, which by itself paid for all the money I invested since I began releasing in 1999
and much more. sure, I made thousands before by releasing only, but this is the first 6 digits at once. And releasing is even easier than before. I will have to release a lot so I can keep attending even with my internet limitations, but the workbook alone has enough to occupy the 90 days all by itself, and everything is being recorded.

私はちょうどようこそスレッドのこれを取ると(lilarがそのスレッドでそれについて尋ねた主な理由は3)を知らない人のために何かを明確にしたかった:人々はラリーとヘイルメソッドを変更し、スティーブがしたいと言うときそれが元あったようにそれを維持する、私はこれが完全に正確であるとは思わない。はい、スティーブはレスターから元の道を教え、それが解放(もらえ/とき/でしょう)と6つのステップの最初の方法である。ヘイルとラリーはそれを変更していない、それらの両方はまた、基本的なコースで元の道を教えています。しかし、彼らは元のメソッドに追加された。だから誰もが元の道を欠落されていない、それはまだそこにある。それは、彼らが私の意見では、より多くの選択肢を提供することによって、オリジナルの方法を改善することより多くのものが含まれていただけのことである。多くの人々がここでラリーからチューブ/ウィンドウは "-ボディに" "アウト·オブ·ヘッド"より解放し、作ったこと書いた。多くの人々は、彼らがヘイルから5ウェイと渦を愛していると書いた。私は解放の25の異なる方法について数えてその数年前に書いた、と(ゴミでリストを私のメイドなので、私はそれらをすべて覚えていない)以上存在することになります。彼らが望む場合には、誰もが基本的なコースの両方で学ぶ最初のことだから、誰でも、最初の道に残るかを選択できます。


再び、レスターから元の方法は、 "6つのステップ"と呼ばれ、それは基本的なコースのある誰もが知られています。それはラマナ·マハリシの本の後ろ(またはカバー、覚えていない)にレスター自身によって書かれました。私も、私はこれが唯一の私はそれをすべての時間を持っていたかを調べるために、私は立ち往生した理由かもしれないと感じ、レスターから純粋な方法を望んでいた感じていたので、私は Kiss list (K.I.S.S. のリスト) に入った。

今私は90日かかりますラリー、(当たり前)からフリーダムプログラムに起動90日に参加していますし、それはすべての6つのステップについてです。そしてコースが構成されての方法は私の意見では6つのステップを反映している。それは本当に毎日の90日、(、週末のために宿題)です。これは、日常のサポートや説明責任をするにメンターを持っている素晴らしいされている、(あなたの一日 "の流れにある"経験になりますが)右の "状態"で一日を始めることが日常の呼び出し、1 2時間ごとに呼び出す週あなたのメンター、プラスあなたが毎日、タッチでなければならない相手との1月例グループ呼...よく、あなたのアイデアを得る。なぜ私はそれを言っている?それは、ステップ4(連続リリース)ですので、(そして、あなたが持っている(あなたはそれが大きなコミットメントですので、あなたが本当に自由にしたい必要があります見ることができます)ステップ1を必要とし、手順2、3と6のことを思い出させて、すべての平日を開始週末の録音)、(または週の間に豊富コースとのだれでものためのサポートライン)を必要とするとき、手順5を支援するためにあなたのメンターを持ってのほか。すべてレスター優しい。


注記:90日間すべて、CAP の状態 (Being の状態)でいる。

Reply by Mário [Hootless Crew] on April 5, 2010 at 4:19pm
The story is too long, so this is a very short version. The company I used to work for was bankrupting. I was risking being fired and getting nothing in severance, unpaid vacations, etc... as this is what was happening in the US branch. So I began releasing. Another company ended up buying the part I worked for, and someone decided to release 18 people into a temporary company until the new owner takes over, so we keep doing what we do and move straight to the new owner. I got the money as part of the process. Now, this is not a normal process and nobody understood why it was done this way, but hey, I will not complain. US people were baffled and couldn't understand why they did that.

Hi, Paige. Well, Lesterizing itself is different, and it is the base of this new course. It is also a course for people who already attended the Final Step, so it begins from the most advanced point there is. Really deep releases, real dark garbage coming up, which is awesome. There are a few new techniques being implemented by the instructors, most of them to go into CAP. I don't know about the 4 parts, but I also don't remember the Lesterizing calls to compare.
We are required to stay in CAP for the 90 days, yes, that's why we begin every day with a 30 minutes CAP Power call at 07:30 PT (which is 11:30 for me). On weekends we listen to the recording. I actually listen to the recording everyday because 11:30 is not always possible to attend.

I wasn't in Colorado, but I don't know if they will do a call with the complete process we are doing here. It is very powerful, as you would have to have attended the Final Step, and really deep stuff comes up. I am having things come up I would never imagine were there, deep aversions, and people might not be able to handle. For instance, last Friday I was so high I could bring up a lot of fear of dying. A lot. I was floating when I was done, and everything went into a new level of flow. But let me tell you, there's one thing I agree with Larry and disagree with Hale: Wanting Separation and Fear of Dying are advanced, not something for basic course. Specially fear of Dying. If you don't release a lot, Lot, of resistance, wanting approval and control, and go really high before doing it...well, let's just say that fear of dying feels like dying. I think Lester said that somewhere, and it really does. The first time I was releasing while walking and I had to let myself drop on the floor because my legs turned into jello while I was allowing myself to die. Then everything got righter and it was great. What did I do wrong? I didn't follow Larry's instructions in the Grow Up course and thought I knew better. After that (and a Final Step retreat), I love to release FOD. But see, the retreat is the perfect place to go even deeper because there you have all the instructors to support you if a big aversion comes up. The thing itself is not a problem, the amount of resistance that will come up is what might affect you.
It is very different to release by yourself and have this structure they created to support you. You get a direct line to your mentor for whatever comes up and makes you stuck.
About the money specifically, I would say that it was just because I decided to release on money because of the situation. I don't care much about it, but I cared about being fired and getting nothing after 10 years working there. Also a lot of wanting approval came up as my colleagues and friends who think I am a brainwashed sucker and releasing is the ultimate cult would have a feast of delight, and I couldn't allow that. The huge momentum from this course and the Lesterizing did the rest. It was the beginning of the 90 days course, so I didn't do anything particularly different, besides releasing on it using the "new way".

Reply by Mário [Hootless Crew] on April 5, 2010 at 4:50pm
One thing I think is important, Paige. In my opinion, more than 50% of the power is coming from Being in CAP everyday. Beginning everyday high, in the knowledge that you are the boss, the calls allowing you to start with a very high energy are definitely making a lot of difference and making releasing much more powerful, deep and easy than ever. Also, the accountability to your partner everyday and to your mentor weekly provide the impulse to move through resistance.


私が思うことの一つは、ペイジが重要である。私の考えでは、力の50%以上は、CAP に日常にいることから来ている。
(私の見解によれば、力の50%以上は、日常の CAP にあることから来ます。)(私の考えでは、力の50%以上は、毎日 CAP で Being から来ています。)

Reply by Mário [Hootless Crew] on April 5, 2010 at 6:43pm
Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace. It is not a lingo on this forum, it is CD 2 on the basic course, the Chart of Emotions. AGFLAP-CAP. Releasing only happens from CAP.

If you don't have the basic course, I would recommend caution trying some of the things we talk about here, they can get you stuck. Releasing is a very powerful process and it is recognizable by the mind. The mind will try to defend itself and its garbage if you don't learn things in the correct order.

Correction: I saw on another thread that you have Hale's basic course, so just go to the chart of emotions and you will find it there. I think it is CD 2 or 3. Hale does not focus on this aspect of releasing, while Larry has been using it a lot, according to Lester's instructions (Go high to release). But Hale leads you to do something like that by asking "Could you welcome..." before "Could you let it go?". It is just that Larry is putting more focus on this part of going high before releasing. I can't explain or describe what he does, this is for Larry to do, but I can tell you that it really improves your releasing ability, and releasing is much easier, more of a flow instead of an action.


勇気のあること、受容と平和。これは、このフォーラムで専門用語ではない、それは、基本的なコースで感情のチャートCD 2です。 AGFLAP-CAP。解放はCAPから起こる。


訂正:私はあなたがヘイルの基本コースを持っていることを別のスレッドで見ましたが、これだけ感情のチャートに移動し、あなたはそこにそれを見つけるでしょう。私はそれがCD 2または3であると思います。ラリーはそれをたくさん使ってきたがヘイルはレスターの指示(リリースに高い移動)によると、解放のこの側面に焦点を当てていない。しかしヘイルは、あなたが尋ねることによってそのような何かを行うにつながる"あなたは歓迎でしたが..."前に"あなたがそれを手放すだろうか?"。それはラリーがリリースする前に高行くのこの部分にもっとフォーカスを入れているだけのことです。私が説明したり、彼が何を記述することはできません、これはラリーがするためですが、私はそれが本当にあなたの離型性を向上させることを伝えることができ、離は、行動の流れのより代わりにはるかに簡単です。
