「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

Sedona Method Six Steps - What The Sedona Method Is... by Sam Beatson

2013-05-28 03:40:02 | releasing
Sedona Method Six Steps - What The Sedona Method Is... by Sam Beatson

セドナメソッド6つのステップ - セドナ・メソッドの状態......サムビートソンによって

Sedona Method Six Steps - What The Sedona Method Is... - ArticlesBase.com

Mar 14, 2008 by Sam Beatson

Lester Levenson purported that there were Six Steps involved in attaining the goal of the Sedona Method - freedom and impeturbability. By following the guideline of these six steps, the achievement of goals generally using the Sedona Method becomes easier and more effortless because the correct order of the steps to the Method are in place.

自由と不動心 (注記:impeturbability は、imperturbability の誤記) - レスター・レヴェンソンは、セドナメソッドの目標の達成 (到達) に関与する6つのステップがあったことを意図 (表明) しました。
メソッド (方法) へのステップの正しい順序が整っているため、これらの6つのステップのガイドラインに従うことによって、一般的にセドナメソッドを使用して目標の達成には、より簡単に、より楽になります。

注記: 六つのステップは、セドナメソッドのエッセンスの精髄です。1974年にレスター・レヴェンソンが、解放の全手順を要約するために作りました。

ラリー、ヘール、セレタン、選択 (また新しいレスターの自由プログラムへの90日の着手の短いチェック(調査)
 2013-05-28 03:27:08 | 話題 (opinion)

Again, the original way from Lester is called "The 6 Steps" and it is known by anyone with the basic course. It was written by Lester himself on the back (or cover, don't remember) of a Ramana Maharshi book. I got into the Kiss list because I was also feeling I wanted the pure method from Lester, feeling that this could be the reason I was stuck, only to find out I had it all the time.

私はまた、レスターからの純粋な方法を望むと思っていた (望んでいたし感じていた) ので、私は Kiss list (K.I.S.S. リスト) に入りました、

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Step 1: You've got to want freedom more than you want the three basic wants.


The three basic wants are what are learned in training on how to use the Method. So they won't be listed here. But what can be said is that they are the root of all problems. They are the "master programs" that have been installed as pro-survival but are in fact anti-survival.
The awareness of this can be understood intellectually (or else the Method could not be taught) however, it's usefulness comes from it's application and understanding through experience ("taking it for checking" and proving it out for oneself).


Step 2: Decide that you can release and have the goal

あなたが、ゴール (目標) をリリースし持つことができると決定します。

In other words, decide you can let go in this moment and have what you want. You know from releasing that by releasing you can have your goal drop in to your awareness effortlessly - you don't have to "do" anything - you just need to release and let go in order for it to come in.
This is a way to explain the "BUTT" method that Larry Crane teaches. You don't "do" anything - you release and let it come to you. Seemingly contradictingly, that doesn't mean you don't take action - but it means that the action, if you need to take any - flows effortlessly - it comes naturally and intuitively from your knowingness - or you simply just "be".

- それが中へ入るためにただリリースし手放す必要があります。
あなたは何も「しない」- リリースし、それをあなたに来させます。
一見、矛盾する (contradictingly は、contradicting の誤記) に、それはあなたが行動を起こさないことを意味しません - しかし、それはそれに行動を定めます。
あなたが何かをとる必要があるならば - たやすく流れます(努力しないで流れる)。
それは、自然に、そして、直観的に、あなたの物わかりのよさから来ます - または、あなたは単にちょうどそうで「あります」。

Step 3: Let go of the wants that underlie your feelings


Releasing the aforementioned three wants means you are getting rid of the root causes of limitation and problems. You therefore become freer, lighter and happier. You become free enough to "have" without having to "do" and your goal comes in for you. No problem.


Step 4: Release continuously - with others and without others

ステップ4:継続的にリリース - 他の人と、その他なし
(他の人と、そして、他の人なしで ― 連続的にリリースしてください。)

Make releasing contstant - let go in the morning, in the evening, whatever you're doing. It can be helpful to set aside time to release so that there is dedicated releasing time and you can focus on the goal and releasing the feelings that have been stopping you from having the goal.

リリースする競争相手 (contstantは、contestantの誤記) を作ってください-あなたがたとえ何をしていても、夜に、朝に手放してください。

Step 5: When encountering stuckness or resistance, let go of wanting to control or change it so that you naturally let go of it.

あなたが動けない(どの点においても)状態 (stuckness:動けない(どの点においても)状態) または抵抗に遭遇する場合、それを当然手放すようにそれをコントロールするか変更したいことを手放してください。

By letting go of wanting to change the stuckness that may come about you can cut through that resistance. This is very freeing because the next feeling can come up and you can let go of the underlying want.


Step 6: Each time that you release and let go, you will feel lighter, happier and freer.


These steps are "The Method" that Lester Levenson taught his students. By letting go using the steps, the Method tends to make a lot more sense. Again, it is not about intellectual getting, it's about putting it in to practise and proving it out for yourself. Kind of like a very pleasant and positive experiment.


Sam Beatson (サム・ビートソン)

Sam Beatson publishes the website http://www.goingfree.org He is a Sedona Method and Release Technique graduate and works closely with another of Lester's original students who had his blessing, Stephen Seretan. Check out http://www.goingfree.org for more info and a FREE ebook

サム・ビートソンはセドナメソッドやリリーステクニックの卒業生であり、彼の祝福を持っていた。レスターの元学生 (スティーブン・セレタン) と相互に密接に連携してウェブサイトの http://www.goingfree.org を公開しています。詳細は、無料の電子ブックのため http://www.goingfree.org をチェック
注記:2013年5月29日現在、サム・ビートソンは、スティーブン・セレタンの K.I.S.S.オーディオ基礎コース (過去のテレセミナーの録音) にでてきます。
ウェブサイト http://www.goingfree.org は、現在は使用されていません。
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