今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 18日

2024-03-19 | Weblog
キューバンボクシングと聞いて興奮するのは私だけだろうか。かつてのボクシング大国キューバのHow to do footwarkの動画。




Today, a college student from Matsuyama, Hiraoka joined the training. It was so fun since he did mass boxing together. He was a little nervous to do mass boxing with his master after a long time, but both of them showed a high performance, and Iit was so helpful for the others.

The number of young people in our gym, where there are many old men, is increasing. The young members who come to the gym enjoy training every day. The other day, a high school student told me that he changed his mind about sports after coming here. At MOB, we believe sports are not for training like a monk but for fun. In fact, member's level of skill have been improved, even though they are just staying their health. The atmosphere is like that of a easy college club, so it is easy to get used to, and you can train openly regardless of age or purpose. You will see when you come here that male and female of all ages enjoy training here.

We will be open as usual on the 4th (Sat.), but will take a compensation day-off in June.


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