今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 22日

2022-10-24 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月  22日


The average age of the gym is going up every year because we have many experienced members. However, everyone is good at boxing because they have a long career there.  They are pretty much boxing freaks, and they teach others around them, so I am sure they will get better. Sport is not a training like discipline, but a play like game. I think it is essential to make the sport fun in order to improve.
In loosing weight, there is a big difference in the mental burden between dietary restrictions and enjoying workout. I think it is better if you come to the gym as if you are coming to have fun.

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