

Personality at the deep area of humans

2017-08-16 14:55:16 | Personality

Personality at the deep area of humans

Human beings, each of us has personality and acts with uniqueness. We can choose freely whether we live alone or with families. We can live willfully our lives such as doing hobbies or seeking opposite sex in accordance with our own desires. Human beings have freedom to act without the forced instinct to reproduce as if released from certain kinds of bondage like animals, acquired the function of thought and reflection. Extremely speaking, we can even commit suicide if we wish. Furthermore, it is possible to destroy the whole world by launching a nuclear bomb. Therefore, I feel a wonder that we can act freely as individual, even though we are as a collective species of Mankind. Shall we, Humans, fall apart independently into individuals beyond the ties of our species? Is there a settlement or unity there?

In present time, almost people are within some organizations of society, most people think that they do not want to dare fighting the other countries. However, there are people who choose the path to fight in order to increase their own power and wealth. As for us, if we are worried about tomorrow's living, we may think selfishly a way that only we can survive today. There are various people in the world, there is a lot of discrimination as usual, and we can see inequality as well because each person's origin is different. People who want money or authority should strive to refine their ability and they will be able to realize if they acquire the ability. Even though there are some people who want to rule in the shadow of the world, there are the other people who always try to uncover them, and eventually it will be unraveled in the public because of an object of interest. After all, even if many people gather, are they just dispersing in various directions?

Considering how humans form their personalities driving activities, our original qualities of human develop the memories and behaviors, which experiences many opportunities in the surrounding environment. For instance, you might have been bullied or stupid, or on the contrary, you might bully others to taste superiority. Through such behavior, you have experienced certain kinds of fellowships with others while learning the way of life. You might have temperamental emotions, such as joy, sadness, regret and anger, and in conjunction with emotions, your behavior would promote or suppress by the secretion such as hormones. Moreover, you would try to reduce the pain that you might feel, or you would do your best if you have achieved something and accompanied great pleasure. You would able to acquire the wide and deep things with your own level in the life, in cooperation with others, and your personality is impacted by those emotions.

There are various personalities involving repulsive or attractive feelings, and they activate your compatibility and motivation. In the relationships between humans, we learn how to trust each other, and the spirits develop in that area through comprehension of inter-relationship. The human brain is much more complicated than the current computer structure, and the human behaviors have constructed from the sensory stimulations and responses, so that we have a long history rising from the single cell era to the human beings. The long history of the nervous system as living organism that governs the human body should not accomplish like a machine.

Considering a human individual, from the independent values and functions as humans, it should be one specified in the time and space of the universe. As an element, it affects the events along the time flow of the past, present, future by its own viewpoint and actions in the surrounding world. In other words, because of human characteristics, each spirit of humans cannot replace with others, even if each is a single element. Therefore, we can image symbolically one "Sphere" gathered all spirits of humans. Even if an element itself is too small, it is possible to represent each unique center when gathering into the sphere, and each does not merge. In this sphere, our existence should occupy each specified area, whatever its role is, as a strictly determined element.

In the sphere where those small spiritual centers gathered, we can image that it is a set of all our consciousness including both humanity and the others. In other words, judging from our experience, there is the power to work towards the center as a whole in order to attract all elements to form a sphere. What I mean here is that although each diversity in the "consciousness" of its individual elements is different in a partial view, but from the overall viewpoint of this sphere, the power which going to the center governs to the whole. The existence of each individual spirit is not simply micro scattering by forming a sphere, but it will be present together with many elements as an integrated one. This is a cosmic sense of the whole world, but it is not conscious by most people and still bury in our minds. However, it seems to be the most fundamental energy from the sphere, so that all those energy of the world around us will gradually converge into the center.

When we work together to create something new or difficult, we feel impetus to associate the related things in a timely manner, so there seems to be power to move us in a certain direction. Even though there is a high wall that we cannot cross over, we could realize to pass through it, enhanced by the passion to overcome, with the relationship of trust each other. There occurred vitalization cooperating centers of the individuals, in order to reach the incredible result, impacted by certain mysterious power that drove our minds. When that collaboration goes well, it will accomplish the result beyond our usual imagination, so it is possible that we can expect some psychological studies to revitalize the inner activities. However, at our individual level, it is still impossible to distinguish clearly how the activation of the spirit occurs, because there are many differences in individual behavior due to various personalities, customs and ways of thinking.


Two ways to expand personality

Considering the way of this mysterious impulse working in our spirits, we can think two states, one is a state dissolved in collaboration in which we are relaxed among trusting fellows, and the other state is to go to the tension collaborating our consciousness to associate each other. In other words, there are two psychic worlds, one is the direction to the fusion of spirits with surrounding, and the other is the direction to the crystallization of spirits gathering. Internally, one is to melt into the extended space by selflessness and the other is to concentrate towards the center with tension.

Speaking of religion, there are various spirits gathered in Christianity or Buddhist history. I could think two distinct movements in the way to realize its faith. One requires a great vitality, and the other is a direction to reduce its vitality. To achieve certain sublimation, one is to be full of the mental energy with people by day-to-day tension. The other is to try to accomplish sublimation by slowly reducing the tension among people and fitting into the whole.

To fit into the whole is to melt into what is on all common foundations so that everything is one. This method is interest as a training that melts entirely into the whole beyond each individual spirit. However, at present moment, it is not completely clear how we can deal with every diverse spirit. If we ultimately overcome the diversity and try to harmonize the whole, it may be necessary to first eliminate everything and reassemble the new world from basic state. Alternatively, considering all of the differences among us, we need to make efforts to determine the basic areas common to the surface diversity. Therefore, only after erasing everything that is different, we can melt into the whole on the common foundation, recognizing simultaneously everything. At that time, one whole will realize to collect all small centers with all the rest. However, in a sphere where various spirits are closely involved, can we decide internally a common basis clearly?

Here comes up an idea that it is clear for us to make efforts to match the force towards the center of the sphere, not to detect the one under the common basis. Because it can predict that, the whole will become one attracted to the center, if we adapt the cosmic structure that increase complicating to the center. I think that the mysterious effect is working in living things, which we do not fully understand yet. There is the fact that life occurred on the earth, and life has been developing to a direction to become complicated, and has reached human race. Moreover, we can observe all individual lives keeping as harmonious situation in the earth, good or bad with everything else. In that case, can we obediently come up the idea that living substances might have developed by any hidden power?

For those situations, true integration of various personalities is not to melt into something that is a common foundation. Otherwise, we can think that all consciousness including human beings will converge to the center of the super sphere, and everything will be involved in harmony there. As a trend forward of that situation, it seems that the integration that more personalized persons gather is truly straightforward. In other words, if we advance to harmonize and consolidate as a whole, at the same time to open a path that can raise personality more abundantly, the road leads to such a way that human beings can leap into a new living world.


The path to go forward

As the inevitable result of technological innovation and globalization of society, and new inventions accumulate one after another, our social organization and human relations are considerably complicated. Therefore, we are pushed to raise consciousness corresponding to the complexity. We may need to recognize the correct way that involves everything on this planet, while maintaining the process that becomes complicated, extending our personalities. In a flow that rises only in a complicated direction, the one possible path to us should be to drive over the difficulties, accompanying the spirit while maintaining the world in the direction of progress.

Observing evolution of life in the long span, there is an irreversible flow that there is no retreat. It is clear that our direction of progress makes us a state where our consciousnesses rise complicatedly. For that, great love and great consciousness connecting human beings must be essential. At present time, however, we are in a paradoxical situation, there are constant disputes of repulsive each other, and our minds continue to stir up by those disgusts. In our generation, I think, there is only a way to go on without failing the next step towards humanity in future, a new form of mental energy, which we have to detect it with a mind that is opposite to aversion and boredom. I think here, a sense that connects directly our minds attracting each other, it has been out of science now, but it will become general in future, and there will be to bear the earth of tomorrow beyond the current people. It may lead to the situation where we believe the sense already inhabits in the course of extending our personalities.


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