


2018-02-21 18:55:44 | 英語特許散策

"1. An additive manufacturing(積層造形装置)apparatus comprising a build chamber containing a support for supporting a material bed(材料床), a layering(層形成)device for forming layers of the material bed, a laser or electron beam source for generating a laser or electron beam, a device for steering the laser or electron beam to solidify selected areas of each layer to form a part and a microwave or radio wave source controllable to generate a microwave or radio wave field to differentially heat the material bed based upon the selected areas."

"18. A method of manufacturing a part, in which material layers are solidified using a laser or electron beam in a layer-by-layer manner(層毎に)to form an object, the method comprising, repeatedly, forming a layer of a material bed, and scanning the laser or electron beam across(わたって走査)the layer to solidify selected areas of the layer, the method further comprising generating a microwave or radio wave field to differentially heat the material bed based upon the selected areas."

"22. The method of claim 13, wherein computing the match score comprises computing a second match score by: 
applying the geometric transformation to the verification image to create a transformed image; 
filtering and encoding oriented local binary pattern versions of the transformed image and the image corresponding to the enrollment template, each version comprising a plurality of layers wherein each layer corresponds to a distinct dimension of the encoding; 
comparing one or more corresponding tiles in each layer of the encoded transformed image and the encoded image corresponding to the enrollment template to obtain a respective layer measure for each layer(層毎に); and 
aggregating(集約)the layer measures to obtain the second match score."

"The present disclosure includes apparatuses and methods related to stopping criteria for layered iterative error correction. A number of methods can include receiving a codeword with an error correction circuit, iteratively(反復的に)error correcting the codeword with the error correction circuit including parity checking the codeword on a layer-by-layer basis(階層毎に)and updating the codeword after each layer. Methods can include stopping the iterative error correction in response to a parity check being correct for a particular layer."

"The article of claim 1 ; 
wherein the coating comprises one or more layers of Ru02; and wherein the coating has an optical density of no more than 0.2 per layer(毎に;*当り)at all wavelengths from 600 nm to 600 μιη."

"20. A selective deposition modeling method of forming at least a portion of a three-dimensional object on a layer-by-layer basis(層毎に), comprising the steps of : a) generating computer data corresponding to layers of said object; b) providing a build material(構築材料)which is a fluid at at least(*at least前のat)one temperature between 40 C and about 90 C, comprising the composition of claim 1; c) elevating(上昇)the temperature of said material to a temperature above 70 C to about 90 C ; d) selectively dispensing said material at said elevated temperature according to said computer data to form a layer of said object; e) providing an environment that lowers the temperature of said dispensed material into a solid state; f) subjected the solid dispensed material to a UV light to cure the material; and g) repeating steps d), e), and f) to form subsequent layers until at least said portion of the object is formed."

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