


2018-02-10 16:49:00 | 英語特許散策

"1. A lighting device(照明装置)(100) comprising

a light source (1) comprising an emitter surface (la) and an opening angle (Φ) configured to emit light having a light distribution(配光)(L);
a light guide plate (2) comprising a front face surface (2c) through which, during use, light is emitted, a back face surface (2d) opposite to(反対側の)the front face surface (2c), and a light entry surface (2a) disposed at a side edge surface of the light guide plate (2) between the front face surface (2c) and the back face surface (2d) and facing(対向する)the emitter surface (la), wherein the light entry surface (2a) is configured to receive incident light (L0) at different angles of incidence (Θ0) emitted by the emitter surface (la) and to transmit at least a first part (LI) of the received incident light (L0) through the light entry surface (2a) into an interior (2b) of the light guide plate (2), wherein the interior (2b) of the light guide plate (2) is configured to guide the first part (LI) of the received incident light (L0) away from the light entry surface (2a) and distribute the light over the front face surface (2c) to be emitted therefrom; and wherein the light guide plate (2) is disposed at a distance (Dl) from the emitter surface (la) with a gas-filled gap (3) therebetween for diminishing heating of the light guide plate (2) by the light source (1); and
a side reflector (4), adjacent the emitter surface (la), wherein the side reflector (4) comprises a tapered reflection surface (4a) adjacent the emitter surface (la) and facing the light entry surface (2a),
characterized in that the side reflector (4) forms an edge of the gas-filled gap
(3) between the emitter surface (la) and the light entry surface (2a), wherein a tapering angle (β) of the tapered reflection surface (4a) with respect to the light entry surface (2a) is configured such that any light emitted by the emitter surface (la) within the opening angle (Φ) of the light source (1), before being received for the first time by the light entry surface (2a), is not reflected by the reflection surface (4a) and is transmitted from the emitter surface (la) to the light entry surface (2a) only via the gas-filled gap (3)."


"A sound absorbing luminaire照明装置)providing lighting for an interior space environment and managing the acoustics within the environment. The luminaire includes a frame holding an acoustic film and a lighting element, forming a resonant cavity between them. The acoustic film is used for absorbing sound within the resonant cavity, and the lighting element provides light from a light source, such as LEDs, through the acoustic film. An optical film can be mounted in the frame between the acoustic film and the lighting element for providing a desired distribution of light(配光)."

"1. A LED lighting unit(照明装置)for replacing a conventional fluorescent bulb of a conventional fluofescent lighting fixture(照明器具)comprising: a tubular housing including at least one tube portion; a first LED assembly including a plurality of LEDs, the first LED assembly located along a first longitudinal length of the tubular housing and oriented to face(対向するように方向付け)the interior of the tubular housing; and a second LED assembly including a plurality of LEDs, the second LED assembly attached to a second longitudinal length of the tubular housing portion and oriented to face the interior of the tubular housing."

"1. A device for three-dimensional imaging(画像化)of an object, comprising: an illumination device(照明装置), which is controllable, in order to set a plurality of illumination angles for an illumination of the object; a detector having an image sensor, which is configured to capture(取り込む)a plurality of images of the object for the plurality of illumination angles; an electronic processing device, which is coupled to the image sensor and which is configured for processing the plurality of images, wherein the electronic processing device is configured to reconstruct three-dimensional amplitude information of the object depending on the plurality of images."

"28. An illumination device(照明装置), comprising: 

an optical reader having a field of view comprising a first surface point and a second surface point horizontally offset from the second surface point along the field of view; 
a first light source having a first luminous output positioned a first distance from the first surface point and a second distance from the second surface point, and having a first optical axis aimed at the first surface point; 
a second light source having a second luminous output positioned a third distance from the second surface point and a fourth distance from the first surface point, and having a second optical axis aimed at the second surface point; and wherein the first distance is different from the third distance, and the first luminous output is different from the second luminous output, such that the illumination at the first surface point is substantially equivalent to the illumination at the second surface point of the field of view."

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