Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

セカンドステップ・その12 (The Second Step vol.12)

2017-01-23 13:01:24 | 2ndステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 1)

How are you doing today?

This week in MN has been pretty warm.

So, I just washed my car after work today.

To be honest, I was about to get it done about 2 weeks ago which is super cold even for Minnesotans, so Andy told me "Hon, it's too cold for a car wash!!!" and nicely stopped me. Haha.

Oh well, I'm not interested in weather and car as always. (I should care about them a little bit at least.)

So, I'm writing about the second step series and I usually talk about things I did in the past on the articles.

Though, I want to get things updated to the current situation here today. At this point, Andy and I have done AIH(Artificial Insemination) 4 times last year and nothing has happend so far.

We are going to go to a different clinic for more advanced treatments this year.

They can do AIH, of course, and also IVF too there.

I think this is same in Japan, but the more advanced the treatment is, the more cost you need to pay, so we have to think about the financial plan like how much our insurance will cover or what loan we need to get.

At the new clinic, I want them to check if I have Antisperm antibodies sicne our last 2 huhner tests were not good.

Also, I want them to do some more hormon tests which I've never done yet too. Thankfully, Andy doesn't have any problem, so I hope they'll find a cause of our infertility in me.

Yeah, to be honest, if it is in Japanese, everything is way easier for me to understand. Though, once it comes in English, my brain works slower and needs more time to understand what is going on, so I'll put more effort in the new treatment from now.

I'm still not confident with technical or medical words and worried if I miss something really important in conversation with a doctor or nurse, so Andy always makes an appointment or takes care of other many things for me.

I really appreciate him for not complaining about taking care of many things and taking a lead for me.

We'll keep on going forward, but I want to keep walking at our own pace together just as how we've been.

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