Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

36週目検診と両親学級 (Check-up at 36th week and Prenatal Class)

2018-11-12 13:37:09 | 妊娠記録 (Maternity Diary)

How's your day going?

So, the other day, Andy and I had an appoint for the 36th week check-up.

This week was a meeting with our nurse and just as usual, they checked my weight, blood pressure and our baby's heartbeat.

My weight has been 2lb up and down these days, but that's not something that we need to concern.

What's different from the past appintments on that day was that our nurse checked the baby's position by pushing my belly from the outside.

And she said that our baby's head was in the bottome! Yay!

Yeah, it's been 36weeks since I got pregnant and our baby's been super nice to me. She didn't cause much hard morning sickness or extra hunger to make my weight control difficult at all. And now, she's in the right position. Oh my, what an easy baby even before she's born!! (We never know how she'll turn to be after she's born though. haha)

On this appointment, Andy and I both took flu shot too.

They reccomended a mother to take a flu shot for sure and also a partner too.

I didn't have any problem after the shot, but Andy felt a little bit sick on the next day and got recovered the day after.

They didn't measure the baby's size or something that day again, but they said that the heartbeat sounds great and everything's going fine.

2 days after the appointment, we also took a prenatal class.

Our clinic gave us the information about this organization and they had bunch of different classes.

私達が受けたのは、All in One クラスと言って、1日で出産の流れ、新生児のお世話の仕方、母乳のあげ方などを教えてくれるもので、朝の10時から夕方5時まで(間に45分間のランチ休憩)の1日がかりでした。
We booked one called "All in One" and they teach you about labor procedure, infant care and breast feeding in one day. The class was from 10am to 5pm including a 45 min lunch break.

They also have short time classes just for one of the topics in each class so that you can take a few short classes on different days. For us, it's easier to finish 1 long class on Sunday which didn't require Andy to take another day off.

In the class, there were about 12-13 couples.

Of course, all the women were pregnant, but I was so surprised that their bellies were way bigger than mine even though their due dates were later than mine.

That class was for a couple expecting their first child, but everybody was very tall and big compared to me, so their babies probably got bigger easily too.

Our teacher was a 20 year experienced nurse and she's very friendly and sweet.

In the beginning of the class, she said

"We're going to go through so much information today, but you don't have to try to remember everything. The goal today is like you can feel like, "Oh, I think I've heard this somewhere." when you're taking care of your baby."

I could understand exactly what her words meant later in the class. Haha.

We had a 45 min lunch break and it was kind of short, so we went to Brugger's across the street.

Yup, I got my usual.

After the lunch time, we got back to the class room and saw...

this baby sitting on my chair. Haha.

In the afternoon, we learned how to breastfeed or change diapers by using this baby.

Yeah, it was a very long day, but it's pretty nice for me to learn lots of new things.

Andy was a little bit overwhelmed and nervous by the big responsibility coming on the way, but he said that it's very good to learn things too.

We both felt relieved and accmoplished after the big class. Okay, thanks for reading again!!!

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