
2022-09-22 20:30:25 | 英語
How was your day? [cf.]How was school today?/Did you have a good day?   (仕事) →It was good because today is pay day. [cf.]fine/so-so/so nice/great/same as usual/not too bad/not good/awfu . . . 本文を読む


2018-09-24 22:09:24 | 英語
I was born in 1981 on September 29th. I'm thirty-six years old. How old are you? I lived in Kyoto for seven years when I was a college student. He looks older than he really is.  He is the s . . . 本文を読む


2018-09-24 21:34:07 | 英語
Time to get up. I'm still sleepy. i didn't get enough sleep. Are you awake now? I'm going to be late! I've overslept. I turned off the alarm and fell asleep again. Were you up late last night? . . . 本文を読む

Saturday,July 9th,2016

2016-07-10 08:17:07 | 英語
We cleaned my house in the morning. My children and I went to the shopping mall after having lunch. I bought a white polo shirt and two capsule toys for my children.  We had some light rain in . . . 本文を読む

Friday, April 15th, 2016

2016-04-17 11:01:54 | 英語
I went on a business trip to Sendai by Shinkansen.  It was my first time taking the Hayabusa superexpress and visiting Sendai. I had planned to walk from Sendai Station to Sendai Castle on my way . . . 本文を読む

April 10,2016

2016-04-12 22:45:12 | 英語
・Today my children tried to ride their bycycles with training wheels in the neighboring park. They have become a much better rider. While they were practicing, a boy was riding without training wheels . . . 本文を読む

April 9,2016

2016-04-12 19:23:30 | 英語
・Our family went strawberry picking at Gamagori Orange Park with business colleagues and their families. We,fifty people, were free to search for the biggest and sweetest strawberries that we could fi . . . 本文を読む

April 2,2016

2016-04-02 21:33:58 | 英語
・We are planning to go strawberry picking at Gamagori Orange Park next week. Today I went there to know where to park and where to have lunch. A park staff showed me the strawberry field and let me ea . . . 本文を読む

March 31,2016

2016-03-31 18:00:01 | 英語
・I had been using a picture of BAIKINMAN as my facebook profile picture,but I changed it to a picture of me.The picture was taken by my child while I was brushing my teeth. ・Last night I was up late . . . 本文を読む

March 26,2016

2016-03-27 14:35:13 | 英語
・I had been losing sleep for a few days,but I got enough last night. ・We went to my parents' house to meet my older sister and her children.They will stay there for two weeks.We had sushi for lunch. . . . 本文を読む


2016-03-12 11:35:46 | 英語
Belritz blog:2013ー12-27エントリーより。なるほど。英語を勉強しようと誓うのは何回目か・・・。   ★音を聴き取る・・・発音を聴いて、文字がイメージできる。 ★意味を理解する・・・発音を聴いて、瞬時に意味がイメージできる(日本語訳を介することなく)。   (1)リスニング素材を用意する。ナチュラルイングリッシュスピードのものが望ましい。 (2)背 . . . 本文を読む