

Campaign just ended

2005-06-30 | Weblog
The prize contest of Japan Tobacco Industry(JT) has just ended today. I smoked a lot of "Peace" brand and sent about 7 postcards. Hope I can win a zippo lighter this time. About 5 years ago, there was . . . 本文を読む


2005-06-29 | Weblog
When I was a high school student and living alone, my neighbour womam made some "Ohagi", one of the Japanese original cake and brought them for me. She said "I have made a peice of mischif(Itazura". T . . . 本文を読む

Sleepy days

2005-06-28 | Weblog
Stangely, I am being sleepy during the daytimes recently. It may be well that I, working as a graphic deigner, is sometimes reversed night and day. This is one of the demerits of working as a graphic . . . 本文を読む