Rabby & Chinkoro: News Time (11)

2017-04-27 20:11:36 | 日記

This afternoon, Miyuki took a walk, and she discovered that Shirakawa residents are traditionally anti-humanistic, and they were incined to kill their own kids as usual, and forest devastation is the symptom of this evilness of them all.

  In short, who can't feel sorry to wood cutting, would kill their kids easily. Insensibility came from their low morality. And they are the coldness of this planet called the earth.

  The town equipped a kids park under the slope of a mountain, and infront of vast parking lots of an convenience store called Seven-Eleven, in HANOKI-DAIRA block, a north side of Shirakawa municipality.

  And she found a lot of Y crosses all over the town. Her direction problem was caused by this unnecessary Y shape corsses.

  For them, necessary. This Y shape cross is easy to kill their kids. Kids killing is Shirakawa's traditional business, even in the rural area. Shirakawa III primary school area, also. Her mates would be the wrongdoers and the victims, she presumed.

  Now, Rabby's quick comments on economic articles.

  The first one:

  -3%. Just it? And the next year, NINTENDOU would gain 53% more. The predict of OMANKO journalist.

   8 years of consecutive reduction, the topic said, however, not so much reduced. And big promissive gain in the near future. OMANKO jouornalist's drama making skill. All lies. Just reduction, is the right information.

  The reason? Reduction of IKKYO believers.

  The second one:

  Old companies failed in SHIKOKU, was OMANKO journalist's analysis.

  Ours is, old companies were already dead, and IKKYO believers used the names, and now, they stop to keep them. Total abandonment, they did in Shikoku area.

 The third one:

 Meat Company also produce detergent. Miyuki lost appettite, and they fell down🎶!

 The fourth one:

  Lunesas was dead already, however, they faked as if it were alive. From the begining, it was IKKYO faked company. Miyuki watched the route bus to the company, even after their failure. As usual, she thought. And the number of the passengers was also the same. IKKYO's rough work, we know. And they just do as they think correct. Thus, repeatedly, the same process should be done by them. All faked company, Lunesas was.

 The fifth one:

 No money to pay, however, the government ordered to fake upward economy, thus, they chose this line. The line to INFERNO!!!

 The 6th one:

 NAFTA conversation on the telephone was good in mood, however, the prices of Mexian and Canadian moneys dropped. No explanation on the dropping. Just a conversation on the phone of Mr.Slump. What does it matter?

 For OMANKO journalist , it matters, because he is stealing the conversation.

 Watergate by Japanese OMANKO journalism. Potmuck river is surrounded by Japanese cherry blossams. Watch out! They use the ugliest yellow journalism as muck rakers!!!

 The 7th one:

 Always OKOKOK mode. Thus, they are not necessary. Always faked numbers, they provide, according to DDMic declaration. Return to us our precious money!!!

 The 8th one:

 Now Big lizzers need to cut their own tails. Unsustainable, anyway, was their excuse. Thus, we presume thay MITSUBISHI UFJ Financial Group is going directly to INFERNO!!!

 The 9th one:

 The public servant responsible to this matter said that the lack of labour population is the main factor. Oh, Alzheimer patient, he is. 引地睦夫, he is called. HOKKAIDO's rate is one of the worst one, and it means that the latent workers are excessive relatively. However he said the contrary explanation. OMANKO journalist is also Alzheimer patient, because he informed the responsible's wrong reply without any doubt.

 The 10th one:

 Another proof that represents the MEGA DEATH of Renoun Banks in Japan. All downward, they are going. Downward to the bottom of INFERNO!!!

 Now, Miyuki should eat her delicious Japanese dinner with a big bowlful of salad. YUKARI pushed her away from the kitchen, thus, she had to run away from her evil doing. Thus, she is hungry like a wolf!!!

 Duran Duran. Oh, Rio, Rio dancer, she would be!!!

 OK, MARC is now again going directly to the kitchen. Eating is living!!!

  Vanish! DDMs!!!

 See you soon after our dinner! Love from MARC!!!  
