YUKARI's End (160)

2017-04-17 21:29:01 | 日記

M&A came back with full stomach. Rabby is thinking of adapting our meat eating habit. At least, you should try the flavours. Then , you decide. Miyuki insists and Rabby is ready to try at least. You would be more stronger and bigger, is keyword. Rabby is already 2.5m at hight, however, Miyuki predicts that with this meat eating habit, he would reach 25m. 10 times bigger than actual appearnace. Not bad, Rabby thinks now. Our eating habit is too too different. We can't be vegitarians, however, he would be carnevoco or meat eater. Galic is a good introduction. This plant fits with meat completely, and with fish also. All of Miyuki's cooking period of the first stage was this "Always Olive and Garlic" period, we could call. Tasty and easy, was its catch copy. Always meat and vegitables, and fruit, if she was afford to pay for it.

  Thus, she now plans to be Orchard manager combined with planter. Leave as the trees like, is her taste. Rabby likes the idea. ADACHI is in doubt. She makes a trip often from now on. Is she able to deal with the orchard?

  She said YES to him. "Liberal Orchard system", we will adopt. Tree can produce its fruits, if he likes. Thus, liberal.

  Rabby asked, "Is it be able to be called ORCHARD? Probably, fruit forest, more exactly." As you like, you can call it. For me, ORCHARD, because more tasty name. However, if you think that the system's essence, it would be a kind of forest, yes. As you like, Rabby.

  Agro Forestry, a kind of. My mate of Japan Brazil Cultural Intercourse Association is a professor of Parana State, Brazil, and his major is Agro Forestory.

  This has a model. My old pal and Chris's cousin Dirce's Father's orchard. Beside the sugar corn cultivation, he has an orchard, and there, only one tree per specie was planted. And all year round, they can pick the fruits as they like, including the workers in the sugar corn field. As they like method. They naturally grew up, and who would like to eat, can pick them. It functioned.

  And Miyuki liked sugar corn field, because she felt like a scene of film, "A boy in Martinique", however, Miyuki was so impressed by this natural orchard. Beautiful and varied. They grew as they like, and the result was so good. Caju, the name of the fruit. Its nut was already known to her. however, she didn't know that is a kind of fruit with yellow big pulp. Juicy, and sweet, and a flavour, a bit similar to Dorian like one, however, within the image of fruit flavour type. A bit lacks sour taste, however, good to be experienced.

  SAYURI OOISHI give a present of this specially Brazilian fruit's bottle when they met at the last time. Oh, the bottle. A gift bottle. It would be tasty. However, I have already know the taste. Thus, it would be good for the gift for Prof. SATO in Niigawa Versity. Thus, she sent it to him, with an explanation of the bottle. CAJU is cassue nuts' fruit. This is the fruit's extract. Try it! Brazilian Tropical taste, I'm sure!!!

  Thus they failed. Yes, we wanted to drink. We loved to drink Brazilian fresh juece. however, for Prof.SATO to be astonished, it would be fine present. And Miyuki didn't say how she had gotten it.

  Because she didn't want SAYURI to get upset at knowing it. However, now, Miyuki is honestly saying, "I gave it to others. Not because of the unkind attitude, but because of kind one, rather. I wanted Prof. SATO to be astonished by some his unknown different taste. Thus, SAYURI, please don't get upset my giving the bottle to him. Not polite probably, however, for a kind of surprising present for Latin world lover. I want to put the fact now here, because probably Prof.SATO would like you and your partner ODA also.

  Handsome short man, he is. Sayuri accepted it. She prefered his modest way, although he is rich boy. Rich, Miyuki knows well. However, he is not arrogant type at all. Only he was not good at domestic tasks, like me.

  After several months training, he got stronger, and got married with her. Ordial, at first. Do you prefer your mother or me, type challenge by her. And he is too honset to act immediately. He moved from his rich big house to the modest apartment to share with other boys. Republic, or dormitory, it is called. And he made a lot of mistakes, and made a good result.

  Thus, Miyuki, you would gain your better half or halves, in the near future. Cooking is the basic need for human beings. Doing these basic tasks means she is qualified to be a member of society. Animal farm, it would be called. George Orwell would say, "Oh, well done!!!" And he would be astonished the difference between Flower World and their animal farm or natural Orchard. Fruits would be caltivated anyway. Vitamines included, and sometimes, quick substitute of sweets. Miyuki prefers fruits to sweets. Dessert is delicious, however, fruits are more delicious than it.

  Chikako TADA failed. Farm, it would be. However, sweets farm....And she made "Powder play Studio" in Gurkagon, India. And failed. No client at all!!! Populous India, we called it. However, they prefer their own traditional Indian sweets. A variety of foods, they have already. Thus, now, TADA is the pupil of them...Professor turned to be his pupils' pupil. It happened. Not a shame at all. You would enhance your criative sweets world with Indian technics and ingredients!!! You would be stronger than actual one. Indian French confectionary, Miyuki predicted. And failed. Already done. OK, thus, combined with Japanese also. A kind of mish-mash, however, not the only mixture of it. Originarity should be put. Thus, TRIO sweets. And already in Brazil, there are variety of sweets and foods, of each culture. Japanese also.

  DAIFUKU, it is called. Not Mochi itself, however, a kind of Mochi cooking. They called it Mochi, and made a Daifuku. Cris, the Brazilian, made it, saying, "Japanese are kinky. Sweet read beans, impossible for me. However, I have to make this, in this special ocasion for New Year."

  Cris doesn't like DAIFUKU, and said, "In Japan, there is some region to put Mochi in Miso-Soup. Terrible!"

  Miyuki thought that it were her misunderstanding on "Mochi" conception. Mochi is sticky steamed rice ball, and the flavour is neutral, that is, not salty nor sweet at all. Like bread.

  However, Miyuki got to know that in Kyoto, there is some region to put Daifuku type sweet MOCHI into the soup for New Year. An amazing fact for her.

  And she remembered her vomitting experience, when she was a kindergardener. The relatives steamed sticky rice, made a dough of it, and made some big Mochi cake. And they made DAIFUKU type Mochi, also. OHAGUI, they called it. And Miyuki ate it. And they served a cup of MISO-soup for Miyuki, and Miyuki took it, and vormitted.

  Through this experience, she pledged not to eat sweets with Miso-soup forever!!!! Nasty, anyway. I could vomitt easily. If I need to pretend to vomitt in some theoterical job, I would eat DAIFUKU with miso-soup. Autimatically, I would vormit, without thinking.

  Thus, Miyuki thought that in this reagion, the residents are Alzheimer Patients at all!!!!

  Miyuki resumed the character of Kyoto now. Vomitting region. However, TADA wanted to learn the skill of traditional Japanese sweets. And found, the ingredients are all the same, red or white beans, stewed ones, and MOCHI. The shape and colours varie, however, as ingredients, they are the same. Thus, at first, read bean paste. And then, GYUUHI. A difficult for actual Miyuki, however, after some failures, she would grasp the clue to make it.

  GYUUHI was its name. She thought that this mochi like sweets are too too delicious and so beautiful. Semi-transparent, and only a bit included type. Miyuki found the taste when she was eating MITSUMAME or sea weed jelly with black sweet syrop and a bit salty big read beans. And Gyuuhi added. "What is the name?" She called the adults, and they replied GYUUHI. Oh, Delicious ingredients. Why they don't use lots of GYUUHI in the dish? Probably it is too expensive to do so, she thought.

  However, not at all. Ghyuuhi is cheap. However, difficult to make manually. Industlly, easy. however, with two hands, too too difficult at first. And do your best, Miyuki. You would be a good Japanese Traditional sweets legend in world.

  Good tongue makes her a great cook!!!! She is promissive cook, they expected. MIZUAME is not the real one. Suger is the best choice. Second one, and amusing type. Whitish process is fun, and with gorflet type wefers would match it.

  Matching problem, ADACHI had. Why me? He wanted to escape from the role. My choice is more younger one. She? No thanks at all, type. He categorized. However, they yelled. She is your type, they assured. And he, wanted to run away from the mission. APA-BABAA type, he thought. However, he doesn't regret now. He would want to fall down from the fall of KEGON in Nikko, Tochigui prefecture. A kind of experience, he gave up. And agreed to support her. Anyway, your teacher, they said. And she dislikes to be a teacher. Scholar only type. ADACHI got upset more and more. Todai lectur, she was. He was in rage. And he wanted to escape from the role again.

  however, no alternative at all. Only three times, he could run away. Already he refused three times. And now, he would be TAKAHARA again???

  Miyuki thought that the letter from someone with the name of TAKAHARA came fom others. Why and how? And thought that some chap was in danger to ask it, thus, I would reply my answer. And he saved.

  A kind of joke. He said. Why I should have written such a mail, he asked. Because of suicide matter. Yes, he wrote to others. And why now to Miyuki????

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Personality was replaced by others was Kyorin's situation. For her, surprizing situation, which would cause the devastation of the versity. however, for them, nothing at all. Ignorance is their response, after she pointed out the matter.

  Even the rector said, "Now in versities, academic e-mail address is usely abused by some others. You should take care of it. Not we." And Miyuki thought that she would inform this fact to other more reliable organization. And they caught Miyuki to give her torture in their versity hospital.

  No one can run away type hospital, Kyorin had. Miyuki was caught, and put diaper in her bottom, and handcuffed and put tightly to the bed by a broad belt. Lynch, she thought. And they faild.

  For them, a kind of hospitality, according to the rector. Why she doesn't understand our hospitality at all? She is not a human being. She is different from us all. All of us tried to make her to be a good girl. however, she refused, and tried to accuse us to the public agencies. It would be the last chance for her to survive. She should understand our kindness. She should be punished.

  Yutaka ATOMI would be punished, and should be revealed his own Alzheimer symptom. he suffered from the disease, anyway. And she did reveal it, writing to some legal letters.

  KIJI-MO-NAKAZUBA-UTAREMAI, or "If Japanese peacock didn't sing, it would not have been killed." was a renoun proverb. however, Miyuki discovered that this is not proverb, but a contemptous MICChIKU style threatning.

  Only evil high positioned one could say the remark, to avoid the victim to inform to the rightous place. The situation Miyuki encoutered with in Kyorin hospital. "It would be better for you not to inform to any public angency." was the remark of UJI-MUSHI-PENIS, or Yoshihiko KOGA, the dirty worm Yoshihiko KOGA. Anyway, they wanted to conceal the fact.

  Thus, Miyuki resisted and declared. You have no right to avoid my claiming right at all. I have a right to clame it in any public agency. I suffered a lot. Thus, Miyuki go to know it. Some kind of poisoneous mesmarizing process, they did on us.

  Now, no TV world again. good. Waves on the arth, they were called. TV use only. And found that they sold unnecessary long code to her, saying, "It is needed for the use".

  She bought several, and lost a lot of money. And now, the same fanomenum.

  Just the situation it happened before.  They could cut wifi, however, they refused to do so. And now, they realized that they lost anyway.

  HEKETOMBE, Miyuki said. For them, a kind of festival. For us, nasty event, however, for them, easiest and quickest way to take their food.

  Not tasty, however, eatable is Miyuki's impression of this pork called Canadian Pork. And for them, any meat would be useful.

  Last year, in Spring, Miyuki found that they did it. Rented kids were diseposed like that. Only some kids were left for it, and now, for showing the number, they produced the kids, and Miyuki disleked them all, saying, "Vanish! DDMs! Nasty Ikkyo kids, you shall die immediately!" And they failed.

  Kids are nasty however, useful, because she liked kids anyway, was their dying message. Kids would be tiny and young. Thus, they came, and failed. Thus, their failure, not ours, said ADACHI.

  Miyuki liked to declare our legitimany and their vanishing, in some high positioned place. Too too pleasant to do so. And after the declaration, winning bell, she played. Then she ran away as soon as possible.

  Everytime, some old guys were there to inform as soon as possible. Even before her declaration, they already informed to somewhere on her. Why? I am an normal person. Why I could be informed by them? They don't know how to play. These old guys graw up without knowing playing. How many years of their IKKYO conversion?

  Thus they failed. They wanted to catch Miyuki and wanted to gain their point. Rally, they did again. Always they think that they were perticipating in a stamp rally. A kind of "Inferno 48 scenes" told by RAKUGO comedian. They do the same act, even after the arrival to Inferno. They did all the way to Inferno to do the same job. Alzheimer patients groups, Miyuki watched today.

  YUKARI is now in sleeping mode. They called it, "She is sleeping now." However, for her, just a training to be more stronger. Violent, Miyuki says. For her, some kind of re-generating ceremony. We need to sleep well. Thus, she fell asleep. Many times a day, after she eats something. All foods cause het to sleep. And Miyuki knows that YUKARI eats lots of rice. how many times she ate the nasty messy foods? 10 times or so. Custive, however, only messy food and rice. She wants to eat more and more, and now, her sleeping mode.

  Her remote control botton should be found by someone, they says. She is now active again. Terrible, for them all. And Miyuki found that even being active, she deteriorates ever.

  her behaviour is too too kinky and nasty. She shut the door of living room, which is never shut usually, and started to search something. Miyuki was worried about her porch, in which her money was. However, she was chicken to open the door during her stay. Thus, she turned off the light, and opened the door and left there. Miyuki felt safe, and picked up her precious porch.

  Then, she dashed to the office, and soon came back from there, and then, came back to upstairs.

  Another kinky bahavour was, when MIYUKI was in the kitchen, she dashed into the sink, and Miyuki escaped from there, and YUKARI abruptly started to wash her glasses with a bit of liquid ditergent for kitchen use and a lukewarm water and came back to her chamber. Why now?

  Miyuki took a nap. We should sleep in her bed.

  Vanish! DDMs!

  MAR are going to the bed, sleeping already.

