
「歌声列車IN房総半島横断鉄道」の夢を見続けている男・・・ 私の残された時間の使い方など

She and Allan 女王とアラン 第25章(最終章) ALLAN DELIVERS THE MESSAGE 機械翻訳

2015年11月10日 | 好きな歌

 She and Allan 女王とアラン第1~25(最終)章 機械翻訳一覧です。クリックすると各章にリンクします。 
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「だから、戻って安全にMacumazahnを持っている"と彼は言った。 まあ、私は私はしませんでした、あなたはでしょうあなたに言った?旅時にあなたに何が起こったのかについては、この1についての素晴らしいものが。がないことを私は古い長い物語は私を疲れだということを、今のところ、それは聞かせて、私はあえてここで私はあなたを貸した魅力がある?今ではそのターンを務めていることをそれはバックを与える。"





「どこへ?アックスの人の町? "


「なぜ、Zikali? "

「彼のファッションの後、彼はそこにトラブルを作り、彼の後ろにいくつかの死者を残しているので、1 Loustaは、私は彼が彼が留守の間のチーフとして彼の椅子に座って任命した人、と信じて、そして彼の妻、またはだったMonazi呼ばれる女性が、 Loustaの妻、またはその両方の妻は、私はそれを聞いての話彼女と嫉妬の耳を持つことが長いといわれている。忘れてしまった、Macumazahn-彼は斧のスイープでこの女性の頭を切断し、Loustaを作った彼は彼が彼の盾を持ち上げていた前に、愚か者はほとんどやった、これ落ちたまで。それは彼が彼の毛布に身を包み、彼のお粥を調理する女性を取った前Umslopogaasが死んだことを確認しましたはず権利者に彼を務め彼と戦う。"


     Quatermain」 - エディタ。







「どのようなメッセージは私のために白の女王を持っていた? "



「しかし、他にどのようなメッセージが、その話はあまり彼女の幽霊の睡眠で彼女をwearies貧しい古いサベージ魔女の医師のための白の女王を持っていた? "







 "Lies, lies, all is lies! Yet beyond I tell you, beauteous and eternal stands the Truth, Macumazahn. Oho-ho! Oho-ho!Fare you well, Watcher-by-Night, fare you well, Seeker after Truth. After the Night comes Dawn and after Death comes what—Macumazahn? Well, you will learn one day, for always the veil is lifted, at last, as the White Witch shewed you yonder, Macumazahn."

「嘘、嘘、すべてが嘘である!私は麗しいと永遠の真実は、立って、あなたを教えしかし越えMacumazahn。大穂-HO!大穂浩は!、あなたによく運賃ウォッチャー·バイ·ナイト、運賃、あなただけでなく、真理の後にシーカー。夜は夜明けが来ると死の後に来るもの - Macumazahn?白魔女あなたは、Macumazahnをあそこお見せ、常にベールは、最後に、持ち上げられたためによく、あなたは、1日に学習します。"は後に




Once more I sat in the Black Kloof face to face with old Zikali.

"So you have got back safely, Macumazahn," he said. "Well, I told you
you would, did I not? As for what happened to you upon the journey, let
it be, for now that I am old long stories tire me and I daresay that
there is nothing wonderful about this one. Where is the charm I lent
you? Give it back now that it has served its turn."

"I have not got it, Zikali. I passed it on to Umslopogaas of the Axe to
save his life from the King's men."

"Oh! yes, so you did. I had forgotten. Here it is," and opening his robe
of fur, he showed me the hideous little talisman hanging about his
neck, then added, "Would you like a copy of it, Macumazahn, to keep as a
memory? If so, I will carve one for you."

"No," I answered, "I should not. Has Umslopogaas been here?"

"Yes, he has been and gone again, which is one of the reasons why I do
not wish to hear your tale a second time."

"Where to? The Town of the People of the Axe?"

"No, Macumazahn, he came thence, or so I understood, but thither he will
return no more."

"Why not, Zikali?"

"Because after his fashion he made trouble there and left some dead
behind him; one Lousta, I believe, whom he had appointed to sit on his
stool as chief while he was away, and a woman called Monazi, who was his
wife, or Lousta's wife, or the wife of both of them, I forget which. It
is said that having heard stories of her--and the ears of jealousy are
long, Macumazahn--he cut off this woman's head with a sweep of the axe
and made Lousta fight him till he fell, which the fool did almost before
he had lifted his shield. It served him right who should have made sure
that Umslopogaas was dead before he wrapped himself in his blanket and
took the woman to cook his porridge."

"Where has the Axe-bearer gone?" I asked without surprise, for this news
did not astonish me.

"I neither know nor care, Macumazahn. To become a wanderer, I suppose.
He will tell you the tale when you meet again in the after-days, as I
understand he thinks that you will do.[*] Hearken! I have done with this
lion's whelp, who is Chaka over again, but without Chaka's wit. Yes, he
is just a fighting man with a long reach, a sure eye and the trick of
handling an axe, and such are of little use to me who know too many of
them. Thrice have I tried to make him till my garden, but each time
he has broken the hoe, although the wage I promised him was a royal
_kaross_ and nothing less. So enough of Umslopogaas, the Woodpecker.
Almost I wish that you had not lent him the charm, for then the King's
men would have made an end of him, who knows too much and like some
silly boaster, may shout out the truth when his axe is aloft and he is
full of the beer of battle. For in battle he will live and in battle he
will die, Macumazahn, as perhaps you may see one day."

     [*] For the tale of this meeting see the book called "Allan

"The fate of your friends does not trouble you over much,
Opener-of-Roads," I said with sarcasm.

"Not at all, Macumazahn, because I have none. The only friends of the
old are those whom they can turn to their own ends, and if these fail
them they find others."

"I understand, Zikali, and know now what to expect from you."

He laughed in his strange way and answered,

"Aye, and it is good that you must expect, good in the future as in the
past, for _you_, Macumazahn, who are brave in your own fashion, without
being a fool like Umslopogaas, and, although you know it not, like some
master-smith, forge my assegais out of the red ore I give you, tempering
them in the blood of men, and yet keep your mind innocent and your hands
clean. Friends like you are useful to such as I, Macumazahn, and must be
well paid in those wares that please them."

The old wizard brooded for a space, while I reflected upon his amazing
cynicism, which interested me in a way, for the extreme of unmorality is
as fascinating to study as the extreme of virtue and often more so. Then
jerking up his great head, he asked suddenly,

"What message had the White Queen for me?"

"She said that you troubled her too much at night in dreams, Zikali."

"Aye, but if I cease to do so, ever she desires to know the reason why,
for I hear her asking me in the voices of the wind, or in the twittering
of bats. After all, she is a woman, Macumazahn, and it must be dull
sitting alone from year to year with naught to stay her appetite save
the ashes of the past and dreams of the future, so dull that I wonder,
having once meshed you in her web, how she found the heart to let you
go before she had sucked out your life and spirit. I suppose that having
made a mock of you and drained you dry, she was content to throw you
aside like an empty gourd. Perchance, had she kept you at her side,
you would have been a stone in her path in days to come. Perchance,
Macumazahn, she waits for other travellers and would welcome them, or
one of them alone, saying nothing of a certain Watcher-by-Night who has
served her turn and vanished into the night.

"But what other message had the White Queen for the poor old savage
witch-doctor whose talk wearies her so much in her haunted sleep?"

Then I told him of the picture that Ayesha had shown me in the water;
the picture of a king dying in a hut and of two who watched his end.

Zikali listened intently to every word, then broke into a peal of his
unholy laughter.

"_Oho-ho!_" he laughed, "so all goes well, though the road be long,
since whatever this White One may have shown you in the fire of the
heavens above, she could show you nothing but truth in the water of
the earth below, for that is the law of our company of seers. You have
worked well for me, Macumazahn, and you have had your fee, the fee of
the vision of the dead which you desired above all mortal things."

"Aye," I answered indignantly, "a fee of bitter fruits whereof the juice
burns and twists the mouth and the stones still stick fast within the
gizzard. I tell you, Zikali, that she stuffed my heart with lies."

"I daresay, Macumazahn, I daresay, but they were very pretty lies, were
they not? And after all I am sure that there was wisdom in them, as you
will discover when you have thought them over for a score of years.

"Lies, lies, all is lies! But beyond the lie stands Truth, as the White
Witch stands behind her veil. You drew the veil, Macumazahn, and saw
that beneath which brought you to your knees. Why, it is a parable.
Wander on through the Valley of Lies till at last it takes a turn,
and, glittering in the sunshine, glittering like gold, you perceive the
Mountain of everlasting Truth, sought of all men but found by few.

"Lies, lies, all is lies! Yet beyond I tell you, beauteous and
eternal stands the Truth, Macumazahn. _Oho-ho! Oho-ho!_ Fare you well,
Watcher-by-Night, fare you well, Seeker after Truth. After the Night
comes Dawn and after Death comes what--Macumazahn? Well, you will learn
one day, for always the veil is lifted, at last, as the White Witch
shewed you yonder, Macumazahn."
