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2023-08-16 22:28:56 | 情報
 ChatGPTを試してみた。使ったのはマイクロソフトの検索エンジンBing に搭載された対話型BingAI。ネット上の最新の情報に基づいて回答し,回答した情報をどのサイトから引用したかも明らかにするという。短歌や俳句を詠ませたりレポートを書かせたりなどいろいろな使い方が可能だが,翻訳では情報検索の作業が多いので,ここでも問答形式で情報検索に使ってみた。

What are the general opinions of the medical experts in Western countries about the future development of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Please reply in English in 100 words or less.
Medical experts in Western countries are still uncertain about the future of the corona pandemic. According to a Stanford Medicine article, “no one knows with certainty what’s on the horizon”. The same article explains that COVID-19 may become endemic, which means it will become a disease that is always present in a population, but it does not mean that it will become harmless. In addition, the article states that “what this virus looks like three years from now is probably still different from what it will look like in five to 10 years”.
質問を何度か繰り返し,いくつかの回答を得たが,上記の答もその一つ。要領よくまとまっており,内容も興味深い。Stanford 大学のエッセイなど,引用資料として3つの英語サイトが表示されたが,これもリッチな内容だった。

2. ウクライナ戦争について尋ねた。欧州大国のなかで戦場に最も近いのはドイツ。ドイツ国民はこの戦争の行方をどのように見ているか。(ドイツ語で問答)
Wie denken die Leute in Deutschland meistens über die mögliche Zukunft des Ukrainekriegs? Bitte antworten Sie auf Deutsch in 100 wörter order weniger.
Die Meinungen in Deutschland über die mögliche Zukunft des Ukrainekriegs sind unterschiedlich. Einige glauben, dass eine politische Lösung des Konflikts möglich ist, während andere glauben, dass nur ein militärischer Sieg der Ukraine den Aggressor Russland an den Verhandlungstisch zwingen kann. Es gibt auch verschiedene Szenarien für die Zukunft der Ukraine nach dem Krieg, darunter die Möglichkeit, dass Russland die Ukraine zerschlägt. Insgesamt ist die Situation sehr komplex und unvorhersehbar.

3. 米国特許法の“make, use, and sell......invention or discovery”はどんな意味か。
The following sentence is from a legal essay about the US patent law:
“The law recognizes that an inventor has a natural right to make, use, and sell his invention or discovery.”
I have two questions about the above sentence as follows:
(i) Define the meaning of the term “make, use, and sell” in this context.
(ii) Show me a statute or authorized code in which the phrase “make, use, and sell” appears.
Please reply in English.
The term “make, use, and sell” in the context of US patent law means that an inventor has the right to produce, utilize, and distribute their invention or discovery. This is known as the “right to exclude” others from making, using, or selling the invention without the inventor’s permission. The phrase “make, use, and sell” does not appear in any statute or authorized code. However, 35 U.S.C. 154(a)(1) states that a patent owner has the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States. This right is granted for a limited period of time and is intended to encourage innovation and creativity.
“make, use, and sell his invention or discovery”は意外に誤訳しやすいところ。make inventionの意味を一般英語辞典で調べると「発明する」 になるが,ここではそうではない。質問の文面を変えて検索したところ,“make, use, and sell”は“manufacture, use, and sell”と同じという回答も得られた。

4. 法律文でよく見かける”hereby”の必要性について質問した。
I have a provision here from a confidentiality agreement as follows:
“The Recipient hereby agrees that nothing contained in this Agreement will be construed as granting any proprietary rights, by license or otherwise, to…….”
Is the word “hereby” absolutely necessary in the above context? Please reply in English.
The word “hereby” is not absolutely necessary in the context of the provision you mentioned. “Hereby” is a formal word that is often used in legal documents to mean “as a result of this document or utterance.” In this case, it is used to indicate that the Recipient agrees to the terms stated in the provision as a result of signing the agreement. However, the provision would still be valid and enforceable even if the word “hereby” were removed. The meaning of the provision would remain the same without it.
Yes, the word “hereby” is necessary in the context of the provision you have mentioned. It is used to indicate that the Recipient agrees to the terms of the agreement at the time of signing. The word “hereby” is often used in legal documents to indicate that something is being done or agreed to at the present time.
A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage says that “hereby” is often a Flotsam Phrase that can be excised with no loss of meaning. What do you think?
While it is true that “hereby” is often considered a flotsam phrase, it is still necessary in the context of the provision you have mentioned. According to Bryan A. Garner’s “A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage”, “hereby” is used to indicate that the Recipient agrees to the terms of the agreement at the time of signing. It is often used in legal documents to indicate that something is being done or agreed to at the present time. Therefore, it is important to include “hereby” in this context.
2つの回答に多少見解の違いはあるが,これはおそらくAIが参照した文献の違いによるものと思われる。通常の用語辞典やサイト上では,最初の回答ように“hereby” は必ずしも必要ないという解説が一般的だ。

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