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Zoom疲労を軽減する方法 (Reader’s Digest)

2021-11-05 15:37:40 | 情報
Reader’s Digest (US Edition)の9月号にオンライン会議の疲労感について興味深い記事が載っていた。相手の目をじっと見ながら長時間話をするのは,たとえ画面上でも疲労の原因になるという。米国は個人主義の強いパフォーマンスの国。Zoom疲労は本当なのか。以下,記事全文を転載してみた。

Even though the worst of the pandemic seems to be behind us, videoconferencing apps such as Zoom will probably remain in our lives. Unfortunately, communicating this way tends to leave people feeling worn out, and a Stanford University paper has pinpointed some of the surprising reasons why.
For one, videoconferencing shows you close-up view of people’s faces – people who all appear to be making prolonged direct eye-contacts with you because they’re looking at their screens. During in-person interactions, this kind of body language is usually preserved for either intimate relationships or conflict. Although your conscious mind knows that it’s just a business meeting or a friendly chat, another part of you may still instinctively find those nonverbal signals unnerving. To reduce this source of strain, switch to audio-only mode for a while or simply shrink the applications’ window so people’s heads don’t appear so large and close.
Most videoconferencing software also shows you your own feed, and it can be unhealthy to see your own face for such long stretches of time. That’s because seeing your own image makes it hard to resist evaluating yourself, which is stressful and often lowers your mood. The fix for this one is simple: Once you’ve made sure you’re framed properly, hide the self-view window and focus instead on others in the meeting and the topic of discussion.

出典: Reader’s Digest September 2021, US Edition, page 58

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